Monday, June 30, 2008

The Aftermath

I played badminton yesterday and I'm aching all over today. Ow. Actually just mainly my right arm. Tried to use my left hand more today. Damn, I'm so out of shape. But when I first started playing squash last year I was in A LOT more pain. I could hardly walk without feeling pain. That was bad man.. But it felt good yesterday to be playing active game. Although I was damn paiseh because I was playing a damn lousy game. Think I cock eye. =S Actually, even when I was on court, I was erm watching my partner running around. Ha.. Somemore it was a friend's friend. Paiseh.. =P

I want to learn new sport.. Maybe archery or fencing. But don't feel like learning alone. Should save money and really erm finish my tesol assignments. Oops. I think I'll have more time in a couple weeks anyway. Off to rest my arm..

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