Sunday, June 15, 2008

The End

I only realised in the middle of Friday that it was Friday the thirteenth. It was the worst Friday the thirteenth ever. Was damn pissed off.

Yesterday was the last visit of the contact lenses research study. Erm, a bit sad. Kind of got used to going there every week and sadly, it's one of the only times in the week that I talk to somebody, not online and sms. Erm, because I don't like talking to anybody in the office. =P Hope I find another job soon. *cross my fingers* The optometrist gave me a cheque instead of making me spend at his shop. I was going to buy contacts at his place. So now I have to buy somewhere else.. Today is the first time in more than a month that I'm not wearing contacts. I still don't like wearing spectacles all that much.. But since I overspent on these spectacles I must wear it a lot more.

Hmm, I think it's going to take a long time to back up all my files.. I bought a desktop external harddisk since I don't need to bring it around anyway. 500gb for $149. Shall be transitting to my new HP laptop for the next few days. One of the freebies was this thumbdrive shaped like Po from Kungfu Panda. So cute. Ha.. But it's only 1gb. Better than nothing.

Okie, off to watch Pushing Daisies. The guy is quite cute. =) And the story is quite interesting too. The guy brings a person back to life with one touch and with the second touch the person drops dead again. If he doesn't touch the person again within one minute another person drops dead. The show is pleasing to the eye. =)

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