Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I finally finished reading The Art of Murder by José Carlos Somoza last week. Had been bringing it around for months and not reading it. Oops. =P Was a bit disappointed with the ending. For most of the book, it is totally twisted and weird. It's set in this make-believe art world of "hyperdramatism" in the present time, where artists paint human beings and they pose as art works so the models are the canvases, literally. They are treated like canvas. You can paint their eye pupils, eat pills so they don't perspire, don't feel hungry etc etc and they get labelled and stored in warehouses. They're artworks so people can buy them and display them at home. But they only go on display for a fixed number of hours a day and for a month or more etc. They can even be furniture - chairs that people do sit on or tables or trays etc. And this Artist murdered two artworks - more like destroying the canvases, ie. the humans. There's a third exhibition where one of the paintings will be destroyed but they don't know which one so they have to catch the Artist, except he's elusive so it's really difficult etc etc. Anyway, towards the end when the Artist's identity and intention is revealed, he was talking about how the whole chase and the murders were all part of his great piece of artwork and I was thinking oh, then this book is that "greatest" piece of work since it contains the whole thing. Wow, the author sure is flattering himself. Ha.. But the ending was rather anti-climatic in my opinion. After all that twistedness the ending brought me back to reality. That kinda sucked..

Now I'm reading For One More Day by Mitch Albom. It's...really thin. Ha.. Compared to that last book. It's just ok. I just read the part where the mother said children were wishes granted. Right. More like wishes backfired - what my mother would think.

I went to feed the cats earlier today because I don't want them pouncing on me.. The lady who was working in the office where the cats hung out outside of saw me feeding the cats and said they must have been waiting for me because they were crying there just now. Err......... But other people feed them too so what are they crying for? The lady said her colleague feeds them several times a day. And commented that the cats were getting fatter because of all the good food. Ha.. But still, I don't like to be depended on. VERY stressful. I really dislike that whiny cry of the cat.. Shit. What did I do. Help?

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