Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Beware of affectionate cats

So I was feeding the office cat and it was circling and rubbing itself on me. And then I looked down and there was so much white hair on my black pants! Few weeks ago dooce was saying her dog was shedding tonnes of hair. I see cats do that too. Damn shedding season. Don't know if the cat is using me to get rid of all that extra hair.. It's the slimmer, whiter cat, by the way. The other one only meows at me when it wants to eat. Didn't see it just now. The whiter cat is very cute and greedy for treats.. I managed to lure it down to the basement where I work just now. Ha.. It eats the cat food when it's hungry but will always eat the treats. That disgusting-smelling liver-flavoured treats. It keeps meowing at me, with those big cute cat eyes à la Puss-in-Boots, after eating the cat food, even when there's still some left. If I mix the treats with the cat food it'll still only eat the treats. Remind you of anyone? Ha.. Must remember to bring my camera to take photos before I leave the place.

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