Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I was watching Live Earth 070707 on youtube and I saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers' performances. So good. Damn I didn't catch them on the tele. I think I would have watched all 24 hours of the concert if I didn't need to go to the commencement to collect my gown. But I went to Plaza Sing where they had a big (green) tent to telecast it. It was great watching on the big screen. =) Or more like many screens.. Anyway, Red Hot Chili Peppers were really good. I love Can't Stop

and By the way

Did you watch the videos? Because Flea said something really funny at the beginning of the second vid. It's funnier when he says it, but he said: I just want to say, there's a single thing that I can say that's the most important thing that you've ever heard, but I can't remember it so maybe next time. Ha.. So funny. And then the other guy was, what are you going about Flea? Ha.. And then at the ending of the song, which was the end of their performances, Flea was so funny too. Crazy man.

And then, you MUST watch their music video for Can't Stop. The uploader put in the "More info" section that "It's totally awesome". Awesome INDEED. It's so fun and crazy. There's this stupid big smile on my face when I watch it. Ha.. I love the colours and the crazy things they are doing in the video. So fun. The topless goodlooking lead singer is Anthony. He's so funny with the plant. Can you tell he's 46 this year? Oh, he's dated Heidi Klum before. Beware, the video's loud.

Oh yah, the other guitarist, John, reminds me SO MUCH of Eric Forman (Topher Grace) from That '70s Show. There's this scene where he dressed up as a rocker with long hair to impress Donna in her room. Everytime I see that guitarist I'm reminded of that. I know they don't look alike but it keeps popping in my head. And it first occurred to me when watching the Live Earth gigs and he had short hair there so I don't know what's the connection.. Thinness perhaps? I think it's in season 3 the episode "Eric's Drunken Tattoo" but I can't find the clip. (I checked the episode guide, I don't remember that well.) Maybe it's not in that episode. Will try to find another time.

Today the cats were waiting at the staircase for me. My office is in the basement and the cats are usually on the ground level near the cars or the other staircase where the cleaners put their stuff and where they feed the cats. I usually feed them around 7pm because not many people are around in the evening so I figured I'll just feed them dinner because other people feed them too. So today I was walking up the stairs to go feed them, before I reached the top I saw both of them sitting there waiting for me and the minute they saw that I saw them, the thinner one jumped onto the steps through the railings and the other started meowing and walking around. They already gave me a shock by sitting there because they're usually elsewhere. I definitely don't want them pouncing on me. I don't really want them relying on me for food as well because I won't be there very long. Anyway I gave them food and went to the toilet. When I came back they were gone and the food was all gone too. I thought they might wait for me because I didn't pour a lot in case they didn't finish them. Before I left the office I even went to see if they went back again to wait for me in case they were still hungry. The thinner cat was but sometimes it just wants cat treats and doesn't eat the cat food so I didn't feed it again. The weird cat likes to sit there staring. Weirdo. Ha.. Ok, ciao..

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