Saturday, May 10, 2008


Turns out I was number 1401 on the Million Blog List. Something wrong with something I guess. Either the website or the computers I touch. When I checked at the office there were two #1401 but I was in the right section and the other wasn't. I think I could have gotten the spot if I tried early in the morning. Oh well.

Anyway, this season of Survivor is the WORST one yet. It's so annoying to watch! Everytime I think it couldn't get worse, what do you know? Whoever wins now I'll be damn pissed off. Do you know what happened today? Of course I'm going to assume you didn't and I do think you probably don't watch it but I don't care. This stupid guy Erik won immunity and then the 4 girls spin this story that he has to give his immunity to this other girl for them to trust him again and to win the jury's favour. And he did! My God! What is wrong with you??? There is only one last immunity challenge left and you've won the last...few. The girls are obviously not even that good at challenges, compared to you. You had such a high chance of getting into the finals and the girls were doing tonnes of strategising and screwed so many people you really had a REALLY good shot at winning! What is wrong with you??! Argh! If Cirie wins the million I'm going to be super pissed off. If I didn't dislike her as much as I do, I might actually think she's been making rather smart moves, with her smart mouth. However, I can't stand her. Every person I rooted for in this season got voted off. I'm such a jinx. But I'm so glad Ozzy got voted off. Ha.. That bastard was so arrogant.

lepinluee2 said...

Cuteness wins.

I doubt that this is why Cirie is still in the game and Erik and Ozzy are not but hey .... there's no accounting for taste ....

via this message board. So frigging funny. Ha.. Fine, I'm evil..

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