Friday, May 23, 2008

Go David!

Yay David Cook won... I already knew that before watching the result show because the office people were talking about it. A little annoying, but the announcement of the result was still...satisfying? Because of the atmosphere, sparks and confetti etc etc.. The "winning song" sounded good. And I LOVE his cream/white guitar during his solo (rock) song somewhere in the middle of the show. And I love the song. I want that guitar...

Man, the youtube people are really efficient..

Maybe because I already knew the result so the show felt like a concert to me. Oh, I forgot about Bo Bice yesterday. Saw him in the audience in the result show just now. I didn't watch his season but I saw the finale and I prefered him to Carrie Underwood, who won and sang just now. Do you know what she said after she won? I read in the papers (or somewhere) that she said she was going to do country music because people who listen to country music are nice. Ok, what? That sounds like bull*bleep*. Are her songs now country music? Because I don't really know that genre. But she did sound rather country in her song just now. I have nothing against country music or her but that statement is just stupid. When was the last time Kelly Clarkson sang at American Idol? I think this is the first time the person I rooted for won. Woohoo! Ha.. I'm such a jinx.

After DC was announced the winner and there were several close-ups of him, only then did I notice that his facial hair was kinda funky. Ha.. He had a thicker goatee and a less dense stubble so there was more ...dimension? I think it's the first time I noticed that style of facial hair. Nice. I'm so looking forward to his album!

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