Sunday, May 11, 2008

I think my last post about teaching at that krn enrichment centre place was eaten up by my laptop. Anyway, yesterday I went again and the first class was one of the two boys who were...moved away because one of them wouldn't cooperate with me. *bleepbleepbleep*, my first lesson and they gave me him. Before the lesson the principal even told me only he can handle the boy. And then laughed. -.-" At least it was a sort of worried laugh. Anyway yesterday it was the other boy alone and it was so much better. There was supposed to be another girl but she didn't turn up. At first I didn't say much so we were just doing work but then he finished all his work in half an hour and I was a bit stunned. So I started to talk rubbish and ask him to spell stuff. Ha.. He was so happy he thought he could leave early but somebody brought him the next lesson's work to do. Thankfully he was guai enough to half=play and half-do his work and I just let him take his time because it's extra work anyway. And then, he found a yellow rubber band on the table and started playing with it, ie. pulled and aimed at me. I used my jacket to shield and he found that very amusing.. Oh, that extra worksheet was on silent 'e' and the first word was cute. I asked him if he knew the meaning and who was cute and he pointed at me. Haha.. I just said thank you. Ha.. And in the middle of doing the worksheet I suddenly remember the rubber band and wondered where it was. Guess where it was? In his mouth. He was chewing it. Right. Do all krn kids like to put things in their mouths? The last week the boy with him kept biting his pencil and in the next class the boy ate paper last week and the girl tasted staplets and said it was spicy. Is this a krn thing?? I've eaten paper when I was that age so I guess that's not very weird. It's the most edible thing amongst the four. Anyway the rubber-band-chewing boy said krn rubber bands are yellow and Singapore rubber bands are red. I asked him what about green ones and he said there are no green rubber bands so I'm going to bring next week to show him. Ha..

Now, to the ugly part. After that boy's class were this boy and girl whom I taught last week too. Last week was already quite chaotic but this week was hell. They not only just ran all over the room and screamed, they were climbing all over me as well. I had to get really pissed off before they would sit down and do their work. The girl came earlier and was very intrigued by my adidas watch so I just let her play with it but she kept saying she wanted it and wouldn't give it back. Excuse me, this is a watch, not an eraser.. She hogged it till the boy got it away from her and gave me back. So guai. He's a hyper monkey but at least he's more serious in his work when he settles down. That girl's file had a teacher's comment saying don't bother to clarify her mistakes. It doesn't help that the boy keeps telling her the right answers. Last week I was wearing a shirt with Mickey Mouse and she said she likes Minnie because she's a girl so she likes girls and asked me if I like boy or girl. I said I like boys and girls. Haha.. Such a clever answer! Ha.. But she said can only choose one and I can tell she's the kind who wants her way so I just said girls. Ok I should stop complaining about her. She's not that bad all the time.

Oh, the boy from the previous class saw my pencil and wanted to exchange with me too. He said his pencil was for girls. It had polka-dots/spots/circles, retro-ish. But my pencil, which I don't think most of you have seen, isn't that erm, ungirlish.. It's got dogs and a ball. But it's black and white so less girlish than his spotty pencil ba. But he is obviously ahem, less spoilt. =P I just told him the pencil has french words and I know french. Don't think he really got that though. Guess he just wasn't serious. And the pencil does have french words. "lundi et mardi", which is monday and tuesday. It also says something promenade..

Ok, shall end here. Got a cold again. Tata!

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