Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I finally finished reading The Art of Murder by José Carlos Somoza last week. Had been bringing it around for months and not reading it. Oops. =P Was a bit disappointed with the ending. For most of the book, it is totally twisted and weird. It's set in this make-believe art world of "hyperdramatism" in the present time, where artists paint human beings and they pose as art works so the models are the canvases, literally. They are treated like canvas. You can paint their eye pupils, eat pills so they don't perspire, don't feel hungry etc etc and they get labelled and stored in warehouses. They're artworks so people can buy them and display them at home. But they only go on display for a fixed number of hours a day and for a month or more etc. They can even be furniture - chairs that people do sit on or tables or trays etc. And this Artist murdered two artworks - more like destroying the canvases, ie. the humans. There's a third exhibition where one of the paintings will be destroyed but they don't know which one so they have to catch the Artist, except he's elusive so it's really difficult etc etc. Anyway, towards the end when the Artist's identity and intention is revealed, he was talking about how the whole chase and the murders were all part of his great piece of artwork and I was thinking oh, then this book is that "greatest" piece of work since it contains the whole thing. Wow, the author sure is flattering himself. Ha.. But the ending was rather anti-climatic in my opinion. After all that twistedness the ending brought me back to reality. That kinda sucked..

Now I'm reading For One More Day by Mitch Albom. It's...really thin. Ha.. Compared to that last book. It's just ok. I just read the part where the mother said children were wishes granted. Right. More like wishes backfired - what my mother would think.

I went to feed the cats earlier today because I don't want them pouncing on me.. The lady who was working in the office where the cats hung out outside of saw me feeding the cats and said they must have been waiting for me because they were crying there just now. Err......... But other people feed them too so what are they crying for? The lady said her colleague feeds them several times a day. And commented that the cats were getting fatter because of all the good food. Ha.. But still, I don't like to be depended on. VERY stressful. I really dislike that whiny cry of the cat.. Shit. What did I do. Help?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I was watching Live Earth 070707 on youtube and I saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers' performances. So good. Damn I didn't catch them on the tele. I think I would have watched all 24 hours of the concert if I didn't need to go to the commencement to collect my gown. But I went to Plaza Sing where they had a big (green) tent to telecast it. It was great watching on the big screen. =) Or more like many screens.. Anyway, Red Hot Chili Peppers were really good. I love Can't Stop

and By the way

Did you watch the videos? Because Flea said something really funny at the beginning of the second vid. It's funnier when he says it, but he said: I just want to say, there's a single thing that I can say that's the most important thing that you've ever heard, but I can't remember it so maybe next time. Ha.. So funny. And then the other guy was, what are you going about Flea? Ha.. And then at the ending of the song, which was the end of their performances, Flea was so funny too. Crazy man.

And then, you MUST watch their music video for Can't Stop. The uploader put in the "More info" section that "It's totally awesome". Awesome INDEED. It's so fun and crazy. There's this stupid big smile on my face when I watch it. Ha.. I love the colours and the crazy things they are doing in the video. So fun. The topless goodlooking lead singer is Anthony. He's so funny with the plant. Can you tell he's 46 this year? Oh, he's dated Heidi Klum before. Beware, the video's loud.

Oh yah, the other guitarist, John, reminds me SO MUCH of Eric Forman (Topher Grace) from That '70s Show. There's this scene where he dressed up as a rocker with long hair to impress Donna in her room. Everytime I see that guitarist I'm reminded of that. I know they don't look alike but it keeps popping in my head. And it first occurred to me when watching the Live Earth gigs and he had short hair there so I don't know what's the connection.. Thinness perhaps? I think it's in season 3 the episode "Eric's Drunken Tattoo" but I can't find the clip. (I checked the episode guide, I don't remember that well.) Maybe it's not in that episode. Will try to find another time.

Today the cats were waiting at the staircase for me. My office is in the basement and the cats are usually on the ground level near the cars or the other staircase where the cleaners put their stuff and where they feed the cats. I usually feed them around 7pm because not many people are around in the evening so I figured I'll just feed them dinner because other people feed them too. So today I was walking up the stairs to go feed them, before I reached the top I saw both of them sitting there waiting for me and the minute they saw that I saw them, the thinner one jumped onto the steps through the railings and the other started meowing and walking around. They already gave me a shock by sitting there because they're usually elsewhere. I definitely don't want them pouncing on me. I don't really want them relying on me for food as well because I won't be there very long. Anyway I gave them food and went to the toilet. When I came back they were gone and the food was all gone too. I thought they might wait for me because I didn't pour a lot in case they didn't finish them. Before I left the office I even went to see if they went back again to wait for me in case they were still hungry. The thinner cat was but sometimes it just wants cat treats and doesn't eat the cat food so I didn't feed it again. The weird cat likes to sit there staring. Weirdo. Ha.. Ok, ciao..

Friday, May 23, 2008

Go David!

Yay David Cook won... I already knew that before watching the result show because the office people were talking about it. A little annoying, but the announcement of the result was still...satisfying? Because of the atmosphere, sparks and confetti etc etc.. The "winning song" sounded good. And I LOVE his cream/white guitar during his solo (rock) song somewhere in the middle of the show. And I love the song. I want that guitar...

Man, the youtube people are really efficient..

Maybe because I already knew the result so the show felt like a concert to me. Oh, I forgot about Bo Bice yesterday. Saw him in the audience in the result show just now. I didn't watch his season but I saw the finale and I prefered him to Carrie Underwood, who won and sang just now. Do you know what she said after she won? I read in the papers (or somewhere) that she said she was going to do country music because people who listen to country music are nice. Ok, what? That sounds like bull*bleep*. Are her songs now country music? Because I don't really know that genre. But she did sound rather country in her song just now. I have nothing against country music or her but that statement is just stupid. When was the last time Kelly Clarkson sang at American Idol? I think this is the first time the person I rooted for won. Woohoo! Ha.. I'm such a jinx.

After DC was announced the winner and there were several close-ups of him, only then did I notice that his facial hair was kinda funky. Ha.. He had a thicker goatee and a less dense stubble so there was more ...dimension? I think it's the first time I noticed that style of facial hair. Nice. I'm so looking forward to his album!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

David vs. David

Just watched the finale of American Idol. Disappointed with Cook's performances. Wasn't wowed at all. And it wasn't even because I had high expectations. Usually I just listen to him and the feeling wells up. Not for all his songs though, because he's not that perfect. Ha.. I don't mind at all the other David winning this. Achuleta? He was really much better today. He can really sing. I think Cook is better at incredible arrangements of music. He was strangely lacklustre today. I'm sure everybody was expecting much more from him. I think my favourite was the second song. If it's based purely on today's performances Archuleta should win but it doesn't seem fair to award the title based on just one night right? I think the boy is good but I can't stand looking at him when he's not singing. His mouth keeps opening and closing. Kinda annoying. =P But he's great when singing of course. I don't think winning the title is important anyway. They can still have great careers after this.

Ruben Studdard sang at the end of the show and the song was quite nice, erm, better than Fantasia's strange performance the other time.. She was so out of shape. Ruben surprisingly looked almost exactly the same as I remembered. Didn't lose or put on any weight at all. Quite incredible. Ha.. I don't really remember any of his songs on radio though. I remember songs by Clay Aiken, the girl who sang Eighth Wonder or something, Kelly Clarkson (of course), Daughtry (of course), Carrie Underwood, Jordin Spark and nobody else except for those I didn't know were in American Idol or whom I can't recall right now.

I hope tomorrow's result show would be fantastic. I don't mind either winning so I'm just looking forward to all the performances. Not to the lame jokes and annoying incessant screaming when people are trying to talk..

Beware of affectionate cats

So I was feeding the office cat and it was circling and rubbing itself on me. And then I looked down and there was so much white hair on my black pants! Few weeks ago dooce was saying her dog was shedding tonnes of hair. I see cats do that too. Damn shedding season. Don't know if the cat is using me to get rid of all that extra hair.. It's the slimmer, whiter cat, by the way. The other one only meows at me when it wants to eat. Didn't see it just now. The whiter cat is very cute and greedy for treats.. I managed to lure it down to the basement where I work just now. Ha.. It eats the cat food when it's hungry but will always eat the treats. That disgusting-smelling liver-flavoured treats. It keeps meowing at me, with those big cute cat eyes à la Puss-in-Boots, after eating the cat food, even when there's still some left. If I mix the treats with the cat food it'll still only eat the treats. Remind you of anyone? Ha.. Must remember to bring my camera to take photos before I leave the place.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I'm in the process of changing my blog ...stuff.. so some stuff will be missing for awhile..

Thursday, May 15, 2008


The result show for American Idol is showing on TV now.. So exciting! Ha.. I only started watching from Idol Gives Back. I was so impressed when David Cook turned Mariah Carrey's Always be my baby into a rock song. Frigging cool man. Wow. So obviously he's my favourite. He reminds me of Daughtry though. I'm hoping it's a David vs. David final. But I think Cook should win it. He turns everything into rock songs. Ha.. I like how he transforms songs. And I love the orchestra plus rock music. So GRANDEUR. Like being on top of the world. It's exhilarating. I get sort of that feeling performing in band concerts/competitions/etc. It's scary to see so many people, but really exciting. Being on stage singing alone must be a GAZILLION times that rush. Millions of people in front of you, a whole orchestra behind, the lights, darkness everywhere else.. I think I would faint. Ha..

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I think my last post about teaching at that krn enrichment centre place was eaten up by my laptop. Anyway, yesterday I went again and the first class was one of the two boys who were...moved away because one of them wouldn't cooperate with me. *bleepbleepbleep*, my first lesson and they gave me him. Before the lesson the principal even told me only he can handle the boy. And then laughed. -.-" At least it was a sort of worried laugh. Anyway yesterday it was the other boy alone and it was so much better. There was supposed to be another girl but she didn't turn up. At first I didn't say much so we were just doing work but then he finished all his work in half an hour and I was a bit stunned. So I started to talk rubbish and ask him to spell stuff. Ha.. He was so happy he thought he could leave early but somebody brought him the next lesson's work to do. Thankfully he was guai enough to half=play and half-do his work and I just let him take his time because it's extra work anyway. And then, he found a yellow rubber band on the table and started playing with it, ie. pulled and aimed at me. I used my jacket to shield and he found that very amusing.. Oh, that extra worksheet was on silent 'e' and the first word was cute. I asked him if he knew the meaning and who was cute and he pointed at me. Haha.. I just said thank you. Ha.. And in the middle of doing the worksheet I suddenly remember the rubber band and wondered where it was. Guess where it was? In his mouth. He was chewing it. Right. Do all krn kids like to put things in their mouths? The last week the boy with him kept biting his pencil and in the next class the boy ate paper last week and the girl tasted staplets and said it was spicy. Is this a krn thing?? I've eaten paper when I was that age so I guess that's not very weird. It's the most edible thing amongst the four. Anyway the rubber-band-chewing boy said krn rubber bands are yellow and Singapore rubber bands are red. I asked him what about green ones and he said there are no green rubber bands so I'm going to bring next week to show him. Ha..

Now, to the ugly part. After that boy's class were this boy and girl whom I taught last week too. Last week was already quite chaotic but this week was hell. They not only just ran all over the room and screamed, they were climbing all over me as well. I had to get really pissed off before they would sit down and do their work. The girl came earlier and was very intrigued by my adidas watch so I just let her play with it but she kept saying she wanted it and wouldn't give it back. Excuse me, this is a watch, not an eraser.. She hogged it till the boy got it away from her and gave me back. So guai. He's a hyper monkey but at least he's more serious in his work when he settles down. That girl's file had a teacher's comment saying don't bother to clarify her mistakes. It doesn't help that the boy keeps telling her the right answers. Last week I was wearing a shirt with Mickey Mouse and she said she likes Minnie because she's a girl so she likes girls and asked me if I like boy or girl. I said I like boys and girls. Haha.. Such a clever answer! Ha.. But she said can only choose one and I can tell she's the kind who wants her way so I just said girls. Ok I should stop complaining about her. She's not that bad all the time.

Oh, the boy from the previous class saw my pencil and wanted to exchange with me too. He said his pencil was for girls. It had polka-dots/spots/circles, retro-ish. But my pencil, which I don't think most of you have seen, isn't that erm, ungirlish.. It's got dogs and a ball. But it's black and white so less girlish than his spotty pencil ba. But he is obviously ahem, less spoilt. =P I just told him the pencil has french words and I know french. Don't think he really got that though. Guess he just wasn't serious. And the pencil does have french words. "lundi et mardi", which is monday and tuesday. It also says something promenade..

Ok, shall end here. Got a cold again. Tata!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I just realised I have a missing post from yesterday. And it was a long post too! Damn it! Can't wait for the PC Show in June. Still a whole month away. This stupid laptop better not eat up anything of mine again. When I get a new laptop I want to change this blogskin. Don't trust what I see on this laptop. Anyway the numbers are the spots on the Million Blog List where these people are experimenting to see how long it'll take for 1 million blogs to list themselves. So do put your blog in the list if you have a blog. Just for fun. Good deed of the day. Shall blog again tomorrow. Ciao..


Turns out I was number 1401 on the Million Blog List. Something wrong with something I guess. Either the website or the computers I touch. When I checked at the office there were two #1401 but I was in the right section and the other wasn't. I think I could have gotten the spot if I tried early in the morning. Oh well.

Anyway, this season of Survivor is the WORST one yet. It's so annoying to watch! Everytime I think it couldn't get worse, what do you know? Whoever wins now I'll be damn pissed off. Do you know what happened today? Of course I'm going to assume you didn't and I do think you probably don't watch it but I don't care. This stupid guy Erik won immunity and then the 4 girls spin this story that he has to give his immunity to this other girl for them to trust him again and to win the jury's favour. And he did! My God! What is wrong with you??? There is only one last immunity challenge left and you've won the last...few. The girls are obviously not even that good at challenges, compared to you. You had such a high chance of getting into the finals and the girls were doing tonnes of strategising and screwed so many people you really had a REALLY good shot at winning! What is wrong with you??! Argh! If Cirie wins the million I'm going to be super pissed off. If I didn't dislike her as much as I do, I might actually think she's been making rather smart moves, with her smart mouth. However, I can't stand her. Every person I rooted for in this season got voted off. I'm such a jinx. But I'm so glad Ozzy got voted off. Ha.. That bastard was so arrogant.

lepinluee2 said...

Cuteness wins.

I doubt that this is why Cirie is still in the game and Erik and Ozzy are not but hey .... there's no accounting for taste ....

via this message board. So frigging funny. Ha.. Fine, I'm evil..

Friday, May 09, 2008


Eh I decided that 1399 is a nice enough number for me. Ha.. Shall check tomorrow morn to see if I could have gotten the 1404 spot.