Wednesday, August 29, 2007

(I had my hair cut at Twister at Hougang mall today!)

Sunday, August 26, 2007


I love Animaniacs! It's damn funny. Hellooooo nurse! Ok, sounds weird coming from a girl. But it's better than the cartoons now.. Somebody should make kids central show it again. At a time when I can watch. Ha..

In french! many old cartoons on youtube.....

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wow blogspot can add video now. Cool. Anyway, I just watched the Campus Superstar final. (#&%@!!!) My student luuurves that 13yo boy. At first when I said he was xiaodidi he was very pissed off. Then the next lesson he say xiaodidi must support xiaodidi. Diao. Today was the first time I heard him sing. From what I've heard about him, I was expecting a boy wonder. (Kao.) So horrible! Ok, not hideous lah. But horrible for a finalist loh. I'm sure it's not his best but still don't think he deserves to win. Must be people like wb voting for him. =P I feel sorry for the others. The standard this year dropped so much. Zhiyang was soo much better last year. All better than this year's. Last year my friend said the Campus Superstar contestants were better than the erm, adult(?) Superstar contestants. Youtube still has the videos. ZY put on so much weight now. =P He looked like he was shivering when he was singing with the girl... Most of the singing weren't great but the judges were funny. Especially when they compared the two boys' first songs. The second boy heard the first boy made many mistakes and came out very happy. But then he also made mistakes. So Jimmy Ye said the two of them 彼此彼此. Funny..

This is the slimmer ZY from last year...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Sky scribble

While I was watching the cricket on at the Uni Oval, I lay back on the grass to look up at the sky, as the lovelorn often do, and realised there was a skywritten message in progress.

Some lovestruck bloke had hired the services of a skywriting pilot to scribble across the blue cloudless sky, the message, which was completed after 20 minutes, "Marry Me, Mel", followed by a heart struck by an arrow.

I was seriously hoping for a rival aeroplane to come and scribble in blood-red smoke-ink "NO!" and shoot down the bearer of the first fluffy message.

By Mr. Miyagi

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Where there is no love, there can be no grief

I think I was still obsessed after all. But felt a little better after buying the three books of the Black Magician Trilogy. =P But won't be reading them till at least after PSLE prelims. One of my students damn anxious about her prelims. She wants 4 lessons this week. So hardworking. But I'm pleased. The other one, however, was online just now and wanted to play games with me, even though his prelims start tomorrow... Whatever.. I hope he doesn't do well in his prelims so he will panic and study hard for PSLE. Not that I'm evil but he really doesn't seem to realise he needs to study loh.

And then felt better still after reading the author's website..

I'm heartily sick of people complaining about the death of a certain character. Readers weren't supposed to feel good about it, after all. I'm not aiming to write books in which everyone is alive, shacked up with their perfect match, rich and successful at the end (if you want that, read a romance novel). I write in order to move people. Sometimes people are so moved they come straight here after reading the last page of The High Lord to send me a wailing complaint. To them I say take a deep breath, stop and wait a day for the emotional effect of that book to wear off a little before you email me.

She was writing what kind of questions she will not answer and to requests not to kill certain characters, she wrote: You know, you’ve probably just told me that such a death would have great impact, and made it very, VERY tempting. (If you haven't caught on that we authors are a perverse bunch... hmm, I don't know how to finish that sentence.) ...Perverse! I don't enjoy romance novels but no need to torture her readers right?

Anyway go read the book if you're free. Very exciting, especially the last book. The first book is a little slow though. But the last book is the reward for reading them all. Even though it got me so depressed.. But that's because I have a low threshold.. Think I inherited from my grandmother. She died indirectly from grieving for my grandfather. At least that's the impression I got. I was in Primary 1. My relatives have been saying I look like her for several years already. Once a year during Chinese New Year. Ha.. But then I remember she was quite tall. So why am I so small? ... Think I got something else from her. But cannot say what.

Hungry... My appetite left the building yesterday...

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Just stumbled upon a blog that discussed the subtlety of designs.

I do agree that the little things count but I always wonder if it's because I'm looking for them. Does the average consumer really care? Even though the product is the most important thing, many of us are brand whores. Quality of the product builds up the brand, a good brand attracts consumers, it goes round and round.. One time I saw an ad on the doors of toilet cubicles in Suntec Convention Hall that read: When S*** is a prayer and not a curse. (Something like that.) Looked at it, thought about it and I realised it was an ad for something related to constipation. True enough, on the other side of the door was the ad introducing constipation medicine. I thought it was creative and fun but my friends didn't even get it. I would like to think who cares about the ignorants and that my ideas just need to appeal to smart people who appreciates these things, but the point of ads is to sell and not impress. Not just impress anyway. So how if people don't get it? My teacher said not to underestimate consumers' intelligence otherwise the world would be a bore and there will be no progress. So then I can still say To hell with the ignorants. =)
An entry in the author's guestbook:

Hi, just want to say how much I love your books. I very nearly failed my dissertation because of the Black Magician Trilogy, (my housemate had to hide the High Lord from me, so that I'd actually do some work - we're only just back on speaking terms - chuckle). I'm about to tuck into the Last of the Wilds, and so far this trilogy is every bit as exciting as the BMT. You rock x p.s. my friends all think i'm a big geek for being so obsessed with your books, but honestly - how can you not throw yourself completely into these new worlds?!?! I defy anybody to read your books and still manage to keep themselves grounded. It's impossible. I've been living in Kyralia for some time now....

I think I would not be so miserable if I didn't like the characters who died in the story. Finishing the book did sort of eased the obsession but not in the way I expected. Boo! People died... I realise why they had to die in retrospect. Wish I had seen it earlier. I realise...the main character is king. Hai... Like Harry Potter. Sirius Black can die, Dumbledore can die, Cho Chang can die (I have no idea who actually dies), but Ron and Hermione won't die. Same with the Black Magician trilogy. So sad. Oh the author wrote her books in 1996 and the first Harry Potter book was published in 1997 so there is no link between the two. I think I would be more excited about the sequels if I weren't so upset with the deaths. =( But the first book won't be out till at least late next year. So many adoring fans' excited comments in her guestbook. I wonder if I'm the only one depressed by this last book..

I really love your books they are absolutly great. Yesterday I finished your Black Magician Triology and I will read it in the hollidays for a second time because that are so great books. But I musst say that I`ve cryed at the end of the story you certainly know why. I`ve still the hope that maybe that character will come back in one of your later books because I really really like him, he`s just so cool (I can`t think about Black Magician books without him). I can`t say names because of spoilers but I think you know wich character I mean. Best Wishes and a lot of respect from Germany (and sorry about my bad english)

Oh I'm not the only one. =) I guess I know I couldn't possibly be the only one lah. Oh she also wants dead characters to come back alive, like me. Ha.. But I think the deaths were painful but necessary. Otherwise the story can't go anywhere. Must subtract then can add.. Oh that day I watched 881 I saw a boy at Yoshinoya carrying the book. Heh. It looked new but wasn't in a bag so must have just bought it and reading it.

I know, indeed, that any type of spoiler is fobidden, so I shall try and be quite ambiguous with the message of emotional distraught. Firstly, however, I would like mention you are an amazing and involving writer (and my great attachemnet and upset to one of the ehem..endings.. to one book is proof of that). I just wanted to mention that I am so very deeply saddened and in shock to one of your books I just finished (I hope that you will guess which one...) that I felt you should just know (and perhaps consider not having similar tragic endings in any other of your books (again not mentioning which one..) as I fear I shall be unable to deal with another quite as distressing. I know there is an aftermath of books to this saga - but I'm not sure it shall ever be the same. Even so, I wouldn't have minded if anything happened to all of the other characters, non exclusive, but to that one .....ahhh that really struck a cord. Also I felt that what occured in the eplilogue to this was no replacement :-(. I may perhaps now pic up the following saga - but fear that nothing will compare or fill the emptiness left by this book. Overall, I feel I may have come very close to the boundaries (or ruless) set for this guesbook, but hope I haven't breached them :-) I wish you well ^_^ Sabina

I am sorry if my previous comment seemed at all accusing. I really am in love with your books - I just feel a little depressed now is all *sobs* - (this is after 'The High Lord') - but again this just shows how involving your writing is and how great your character builing is that I am so attached. I would indeed not want to depreive myself of your great work and therfore shall see if I can get hold of ' The age of Five Trilogy' while I am abroad on my year out (as I currently am). I would eventually like to perhaps carry on with more Kyralia books, but currently the wounds are still fresh and the pains too raw. (I didn't expect to take this so hard - but I suppose then again, it just displays your skills as a writer). If you could perhaps, in some way, reassure me that nothing too similar shall happen in which ever other saga I shall feel much better while reading it (and may also pick it up a little sooner - without any nagging accompanied worry :-S) Wish you all the best - you perpetuating writer, you. (You do indeed have a way with words ^_^)
Got sent home to work today, or rather, yesterday, again. (Too many commas?) Hence the last post. =P I decided to read a bit of the book before going for tuition. Basket. Make me more depressed 'cos somebody died. Boo! Make me cry.. So depressing! I was in a daze, going for tuition until I encountered faulty traffic lights. It was working a few seconds ago and then the red light started blinking and the other pair of lights started blinking orange. I hardly go to that area so I didn't realise it wasn't supposed to do that so had to run across. The kind-hearted me called LTA to report. The other people who saw it didn't loh. Sheesh. That erm, box full of I-presume-wires had a sign with the LTA number to call in event of faulty traffic lights and the number to quote for that particular set of traffic lights. I was wondering how to tell them where the place was. So convenient. So that's my good deed of the day. And then I boarded the bus and continued obsessing... =P

And then I was too pissed off with my student to remember the book. He's getting really horrible. I conclude that the school produces jerks and assholes because my brother was from that school too. Somemore my student is a prefect loh. Tell him to study for his own sake still must tolerate this kind of rubbish. I just told him I don't care if he gets into normal loh. That shut him up. I was quite surprised by the effectiveness of it. Good! Damn whiny and rude. Spoilt brat..

I decided to finish the book soon because I'm sure the ending would not be depressing. But the guy died...sequels won't have him... Unless he comes back alive. I realise I always half-expect the characters I like who dies to come alive again, somehow or other. Ha.. But only because they are important characters so it's hard to believe they are killed off. So sad.. Boohoo... Basket, make me cry. <- This line is stuck in my head since I read it off Mr Miyagi's blog (whose name is similar to mine!).

He wrote about the movie 881, which I just watched! I think it's quite good. But I don't understand the dialect so had to keep reading the subtitles. Might have missed some stuff. Wah biang I didn't know it was going to be half in dialect. I know the song would be but dialogue also loh. (Singlish creeping in.) May and Choy's Chinese was very cringe-worthy. I cannot stand it. Lucky it wasn't much. Is the point of the guy carrying the rooster simply for the director to make jokes and show the extent of his sacrifice? He didn't explain why he kept carrying it in the first place. At least make up a reason lah. Anyway I like Mindee in the show. She's so skinny. And her mouth makes her face look even skinnier. Her mouth is quite big but not ugly like, erm, you know who lah. Ha.. I wonder if she really shaved her head or was it just computer-generated. Looked as scary as it's supposed to be. Anyway, must support local film. =) And it's quite good too. Oh I think one of the younger ladies, who is a real getai singer, really sings very well! Ha.. I think she can go Taiwan cut album. If she hasn't already. =P

Catchword of the movie: Techno!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Your Power Element is Metal

Your power colors: white, gold, and silver

Your energy: contracting

Your season: fall

You are persistent (and maybe even a little bit stubborn).
If you see something you want, you go for it.
You have a lot of strength, and it's difficult to get you down.
Very logical, you tend to analyze everything going on in your life.

What Your Hands Say About You

You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills.

Bold and daring, you're not afraid to change your life if you think it needs an overhaul.

Consistent and reliable, you like to count on structure and routine in your life.

Your emotions tend to be nervous and potent. Your energy - both positive and negative - deeply impacts your life.

You Are Spider-Man

Quick and agile, you have killer instincts (literally).
And that kind of makes up for the whole creepy spider thing.

You Are 56% Control Freak

Generally, you are in control but not a control freak. You life is usually in order.
However, sometimes you get too obsessed with making everything in your life picture perfect.

You Are Not a Cheapskate

When it comes to money, you're very fair.
You're generous when you can be, and you never cheat anyone out of what they deserve.
If you have the money, you enjoy splurging. But you never overspend.

You Are Paper

Crafty and creative, you are able to adapt freely to almost any situation.
People tend to underestimate you, unless they've truly seen what you are capable of.
Deep down, you're always scheming and thinking up new plans. Your mind is constantly active.
You are quite capable of anything you dream of. You can always figure out a way to get what you want.

You can wrap a rock person up in your sheet of trickery.

A scissor person can sneak up and cut you to pieces.

When you fight: No one can anticipate your next move

If someone makes you mad: You'll attack them mercilessly when they're unprepared

You Are 44% Intuitive

Your intuition is often right, and you use it more than you may realize.
Your gut feelings are usually a good guide, but you need more to go on when making a decision.
You'll often check to see if the facts back up your feelings.
And when your intuition is wrong, you work to improve it for the future.

Your Dominant Thinking Style: Exploring

You thrive on the unknown and unpredictable. Novelty is your middle name.
You are a challenger. You tend to challenge common assumptions and beliefs.

An expert inventor and problem solver, you approach everything from new angles.
You show people how to question their models of the world.

What Your Face Says

At first glance, people see you as driven and ambitious.

Overall, your true self is moody and dynamic.

With friends, you seem thoughtful and interested in ideas.

In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.

In stressful situations, you seem selfish and moody.

What People Think of Your Mouth

People see you both as reserved and sweet.
You tend to be very sensitive and detail oriented.
The smallest things can please or annoy you. You tend to be internally moody.
Perceptive and intuitive, you understand people quickly - though you usually won't tell them.

You Are 12% Happy

You know that there's more to life than how you've been living it.
Life can be rough at times, but most of your unhappiness is self-inflicted.

Your Depression Level: 52%

You seem to have mild depression.
A lot of people fall into your range, and it's quite possible you don't need treatment.
If you've been feeling this way for a while, you may want to seek help.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I remember why I hated aki....

My boss asked me to do a digital model of a gallery to show the flow of the place. Tried a new programme that's supposed to be easier and faster than the one I used to use. It is easier when things don't need to be accurate, as is my case now. But still damn confusing and frustrating when I couldn't find the stuff that the online help said to use. No help at all, man. Doesn't help that I'm still depressing over the book. =( *cry* But I think I finally figured out most of it. Yay! Now just to add the exhibits in, which would be like decorating the place, and figure out how to save the stuff in a readable format. Will do that after tuition later.

Just now an old classmate called me and said something about another friend. She sounded very ambiguous and business-like so I suspected she is selling policies or something so I asked if she's trying to sell something. Then she said (in a curt manner, no less) No, are you looking to buy something? (Duh, no..) And then she went on to say she recently met up with that friend and found a lot of loopholes in her financial planning, blahblahblah... Right, you're not trying to sell something... If selling something is not your ultimate goal where are you going to get your income? I hate it that they can't be more honest loh. So irritating. When I said I already have a financial advisor she asked if he or she is also an independent advisor "like me" and that it's good to have another advisor for another opinion. No, thank you.. I have enough stuff to deal with at the moment. And I'm still depressed. =(

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

On the other side of nagging

Apparently, today is International Nagging Day. Didn't know that existed. Ha.. Heard it over Power 98 from Harry. I hate it that I have to nag my students so much. Can't thay be more "automatic"? Why is it they have to be nagged to do something that benefits them and ultimately, only them? It's not like I'm nagging them to tidy their room, pick up your shoes, lock the frigging door... I keep getting sore throat this year. #*%@....

Hai...I should be working...But I'm so reluctant to do so... Sent home to do some work because cannot anyhow install programme in office's computer. I keep thinking about the book. =P Read till 3am this morning. And read more on the way to work and back from office. I wonder if I should have savoured it more slowly. Then again, my normal reading speed is quite slow already. But I think I definitely read this book faster than other books because it's so exciting. Ha.. I wonder if I looked silly smiling to myself on the train and bus. =P But it's funny! But I hate the parts where many people died. =( Parts. Plural. Think more people going to die. I've stopped reading because I don't want it to end... =( I'm already depressed now because I'm finishing already. Less than a hundred pages left. sad... So many questions in my head because these dishonest. Ha.. A lot of plotting so it's not clear who the bad guys and good guys are. I'm so sad it's going to end. *cries* Hai... I don't want to know because I don't want it to end......... So frustrating.

I think I shall need to work after tuition tonight because I'm too distracted. Shall ramble on here for a while. Yesterday while reading, something raised a big question mark and I flipped around the back, a bit tempted to know what exactly is the truth but I stopped myself lah. Did I mention I don't want the story to end? Ha.. Anyway, here's a very funny anecdote from the book. (Sonea is a girl and a novice is a young magician in training.)
'So how are we going to lure an Ichani away from the main group?' Zill asked.
'I hear Limek has a good tailor,' Cery said, giving the bushy-haired Thief a meaningful look.
'Fancy yourself in robes?' the man said in a deep voice.
'Oh, they'd never believe a magician could be so short,' Faran scoffed.
'Hai!' Cery protested. He pointed at Sonea. 'There are short magicians.'
Faran nodded. 'I suppose you might be convincing in novices' robes.'

Not sure if it's funny out of context but I was trying not to laugh on the train. =P Cery is supposed to be a powerful and resourceful "Thief". It's a totally made-up world and even animals have different names. The characters' names are a little strange too. Because there's magic in the story, I suppose many people would compare it to Harry Potter. But Harry Potter is after all a children's book series. I haven't read Harry Potter so I can't really judge, but from the movies, I think I much prefer The Black Magician trilogy. It's more for adults. More interesting and more twists I guess. More issues raised. Definitely Harry Potter doesn't discuss homosexuality. Ha.. Though I don't really know why the issue is in the book. Don't really see any link. Oh well. That's not a "highlight" of the book. Anyway I don't like to read stuff that the whole world is reading either. I much prefer to discover good books on my own. More exciting. Does that explain why I don't read newspapers? Haha... Really must start reading though. I think I abandoned my Lord of the Rings because of all the hype also.

I just checked out the author's website. She wrote a sequel trilogy and prequel! =) I was reading parts of it and then I saw the warning at the top to not read without finishing the Black Magician trilogy. I quickly closed the window. Ha.. But the national library doesn't have those books yet. Oh she hasn't even finished writing them yet. Ha.. Will have to wait a few more years for all of them... Saw the different book covers for the Black Magician trilogy. Some have illustrations of the characters. I don't like. Doesn't leave much to the imagination. Lucky those here don't have. I think I might buy the book. Heh. But only this third one and not the first two.

I realise people don't like to read long entries? Better do some work. Ciao...

From her site's FAQ: "...Which meant a gay romance. Some people expect that, if you're going to include a relationship like that in a story there's got to be some kind of point driven home. Why can't characters just happen to be gay? If I had a point to make, it was only that I shouldn't have to have a point to make!" Well, sorry I asked. =P

Monday, August 13, 2007

So exciting....

As I read the book, I kept thinking So exciting. Ha.. I would have finished the book had I not been distracted by my new toy and latest member of my Black club. My mp3 player is black, handphone is black, wallet is black, umbrella is black...anything else? I have a black watch. Ha.. My next camera and laptop have to be black too then. Oh everything black, so fun. Ha.. Wish I can take time off work to finish the book. =P I still have some work to do now. Shall put off part of it for another day so I can read. =) So exciting...

Oh I forgot to mention what my new toy is. Ha.. It's my PSP. They ran out of white so I bought black. It's supposed to be a National Day promotion. So how come they didn't sell red and white PSPs? Hmm... The game I wanted was fun, and it had other options of gameplay that I hadn't played before so I'm happy with that. But the other games were not very fun. 3 of them were basically the same thing with different characters and settings. Cheat people one. Bleah. Oh well. At least the game I wanted was fun.

Oh well. Hope I don't read till too late and wake up late for work tomorrow. =P

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Oops a bit too busy to change my blog to red and white.. But I wore red and white today. Heh. I think this year's ndp is the best so far. I liked the eh.."defence" segment. Don't know what it's called.. But it looks exciting. Every year I fall asleep while watching ndp. =P But usually is during the front part and then I will wake up. The show this year reminded me of Sentosa musical fountain. In primary school our band performed at the Sentosa musical fountain for 2 nights I think. Or just one night? Don't really remember. But I remember I wanted to shoot a rubber band up to see if it would disrupt the laser show, even for a couple seconds. Ha.. We were right below the laser beams. Don't know why there was a rubber band there in the first place. Anyway Sentosa was very nice. They let us tour Sentosa for a whole day for free. We spent the day at Asian Village, when it still had all those rides. Super fun! Especially fun with such a huge group. We took all the rides. Pirate ship, ferris wheel, and my absolute favourite - Bumper Cars!! XD I wanna play now....

I digressed. =P I like this year's ndp songs the most. Especially "Will You". The opera singer very prominent. Ha.. And I like the lyrics. If your family doesn't support you and your friends don't care for your dreams and you are too comfortable with status quo, even if you have no reason to pursue your dreams, do it for your country. If Singaporeans don't do great things, less people will know of our existence. Every mention of "Singapore" in foreign productions makes me smile. =) Batman Begins had 2! Or was it 3? The "Singapore pirate" was damn disappointing loh. He didn't even fight. Much. Not much appearance either. The whole movie wasn't that great anyway. When my Mr. Davenport's character died in the movie I wanted to just leave!

Watching the Ch 8 show now.. Rui-en's hairstyle is similar to what I had at during CNY. She copy me. Ha.. But she has more hair so has more shape than mine. When the series just started, Maggie was promoting this show on Power 98. I thought it was strange because it's a Mediacorp show. I thought she just really enjoyed the show so much, and that crazy about Tay Peng Hui. One time they were introducing the cast and Hossan was reading out the names and Maggie just went Tay Peng Hui, Tay Peng Hui, Tay Peng Hui... Did I mention Tay Peng Hui? Ha.. Later on Sebastian also talked about the series in his show then I realise it's because Power 98 is SAFRA radio. No wonder. I realised today is 987 (9 Aug 07). Which means 7 years ago was 980. Ha.. Don't feel like writing liao. Ciao...

My wish for Singapore is that more of the world will know us, for respectable reasons.

Monday, August 06, 2007


Lifehouse celebrates National Day with us! Ha.. You'll have to watch the vid to know why...

We're crashing
Into the unknown
We're lost in this
But it feels like home

Today I was in office alone all day. So happy. Ha.. I was watching videos on my mp3 player and singing. I even looked for the lyrics online and sang myself hoarse. Ha.. =P Lucky got mints in the office. And lucky that when my colleague came in in late afternoon I was too tired to sing already. Haha.. If I'm always in the office alone I won't be getting much work done... Plus I'm collecting interesting newspaper articles that I come across at work. =P Another day then scan them in and upload here. I don't know how to use the scanner in the office and the scanner at home must dig out from storeroom so...wait till national day holiday ba.

I was reading this article about a girl winning a writing contest and she had written against showing R(A) movies in Singapore. I didn't know it was only brought in in 1992. It was originally set at 18 years old and then changed to 21 after protests, I think. Anyway, she thought such things couldn't possibly be artistic and was (as I perceived) violently against it. Towards the end of the article she was quoted saying she wants to be a linguist or translator..something about liking to read.."i read the bible"... And I snorted at that and thought no wonder... Oops. Haha.. So sorry. I think I have something against Christians/Catholics/Anglicans/whatnot. =P It's just very annoying that they keep pushing, shoving, stuffing their religion down other people's throats loh. It's rude and disrespectful, especially when they do it to people who already have their own beliefs. Okay, you can let other people know more about your religion, show people what else is out there, but you don't have to be so pushy. And some of them damn narrow-minded loh. I think when I went for my aptitude test at NUS this lady, Christian or something, trying to ask us to join their club, was talking about the government allowing homosexuals to join the cabinet or something (I know no politics) and she was so against it. She said homosexuals are promiscuous and they always change partners and are not reliable. Wth. I can't believe an adult in NUS (she was quite old) actually said something so dumb. You mean there are no promiscuous heterosexuals? *makes a disgusted face* Anyway this inclination is in their genes loh. It is as natural to them as being straight is to us. (The second book of The Black Magician trilogy has a quote on this. Forgot to copy it down...borrow again next time.. I got the third book already!) My (older) colleagues also like to criticise young people and talk about the stupid things they do. I can't believe people are so stupid they don't realise there are exceptions to everything. One day I couldn't stand it and just blew up. I said, there are stupid young people and there are stupid old people too loh. You have something against young people? Just because someone is young doesn't mean they don't have experiences. Excuse me, wisdom does not come naturally with age. There are plenty of stupid old people around. I really did say most of what I typed here k. I was that irritated.

I wonder if we'll have that much of a generation gap with the next generation. I think the generation gap between us and the older folks now is partly because our generation is more widely educated. Was that phrasing right? As in more of us are educated, compared to their generation. I don't know.. But then having experienced the torture of being misunderstood by the older generation, would we be more tolerant of the younger generation? Then again ah, didn't they have generation gap with the older ones too? So why don't they understand. Stoopid. I think maybe because they're historians so especially lao kok kok (LKK). They're not even that old loh. Only 30+ and 40+. I don't like LKKs. Power to the young!

Anyway, I realised I tempted wb into considering buying PSP too. Ha.. I wanted the white one but apparently the keys get yellowish. =S So maybe will get black. How come they don't have yellow? Oh they have limited ed gold I think. Min can buy. Ha.. Hopefully can finish reading the book on thu then can play PSP over the whole weekend. Heh. And then monday go office charge batt. Haha..

I have this feeling that my penpals abandoned me.. =( Taking very long to reply loh. But when I decide that they're gone, the letter will appear. Hmm.. Penpals so far away a bit not convenient.. Digging up my old letters made me feel more like having a local penpal. I wonder why I didn't continue with my angel in JC. That one was from junior class and was quite fun. I had her no. but lost it with my beloved nokia 8310.. =( Didn't really keep in contact with her much even just after JC tho. The sad face was for my phone. Ha.. The st nicks "penpals" weren't that fun actually. The "fun" ones were those who thought I was their penpal. Ha.. I like confusing people. =)

Okay that's enough crapping for today. Ciao babes! (Maggie says this so much on Morning Jam it's in my head liao..)
If you want to be interesting, you have to be interested...

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Yesterday I found a letter from NEA at my doorstep saying their officers had been to my place several times to check for mosquito breeding 'cos there's a dengue case in my neighbourhood but "had been unable to do so as it was found locked". Duh. Even if we were home the place will be locked too.... Phrasing damn salah. Anyway, because they want to come and check I have to clean up my room. Major operation because it's in such a huge mess. So while cleaning up I came across many many old things. And it "inspired" me to dig out my "band box", in which I put st nicks band related stuff. POP presents etc. Not as many things in there as I thought, sadly. But I saw my SP letters and my nick/pen name on the letters - Devilot. I couldn't remember where that name came from but it stirred up happy feelings and I definitely remember that I liked it a lot. In one of the earlier letters my SP asked what is Devilot and I was thinking yah, what is Devilot? Ha.. But after a while I remembered! It's from Super Puzzle Fighter! It has characters from Street Fighter. Very fun. And very cute. Devilot is a secret character and very powerful. Looks like an evil little girl. =) You can tell why I like. Ha.. Don't know where my brother got the game from but I loved playing the game. At least he was good for that. I always played the games he dunno-got-from-where. Anyway, I really want to play the game but couldn't find the game online and found PSP has it so I'm going to buy PSP. Yay. Actually PS, Xbox, Gameboy etc all have it. (Dunno why PC games dun haf.) But PSP more convenient and the PSP game comes with other CAPCOM puzzle games too so I prefer that. Maybe next time too much money will buy PS for that. Heh. Big screen look nicer mah.

In celebration of National Day I'm wearing red and white earrings. Ha.. I'm so happy mediacorp showing Homerun for National Day. Because it was banned in our neighbour country for the water well insinuation. Last week I was typing newspaper articles for an environmental project and the whole file were articles of that stupid neighbour complaining about our land reclamation project and water agreement. Wth. I loved the analogy a person wrote. Team A challenged Team B to a soccer game and Team B won 3-1. Team A raved about how wonderful their goal was, ignoring the fact that Team B scored 3 goals and had in fact won the game. They complained about our land reclamation project and brought the case up to international court. We won and they still make noise. Damn noisy. The letter ended with "MXX boleh!" Ha.. At the end of the project when we were supposed to label the files, that thick fat file didn't quite fall in any of the categories given so I suggested "MXX making noise". Ha... Damn appropriate loh. So much junk and I had to type for about 4 hours all those ridiculous accusations on us. Made me so angry. It reminded me of this stupid old hag of a colleague I had in my first job after A levels.

During lunch one day the old hag saw me and my friend charging our phones. She told us not to cos later overload and will short circuit the entire office. Excuse me, I was working in IRAS. The place is huge and it was lunchtime, ie. not many people in the office, much less using computers. Charging my little puny phone will cause a blackout? Anyway I told her my phone battery was dead so I had to charge a little while so she said ok but not too long. After that she still come and remind me to unplug. In the first place, she wasn't really my colleague. I don't know what she does but she wasn't working with my group of people. The next day early in the morning she was yakking away behind me (where she sits, back facing back) as usual and I did a gesture to my friend about her yakking and I think she saw. That old hag ah, she went and did a despicable act. I was listening to radio on my hp and then suddenly a colleague received a call and told me to stop listening to radio because the supervisor/boss said it's not allowed. Everybody there were shocked loh. Some of the perm staff were whispering that they sometimes listened to radio too and that wah, so far can see ah? I looked over my back and the hag wasn't there. I know must be that old hag go and make noise loh. My friend (actually not really friend) who used to work there till he went for NS, and is the boss's nephew, used to listen to his cd player with big headphones loh. I know the boss only did that because the hag made noise. And that stupid woman thought she had won. Duh. I don't think anybody likes her. She's fat and she's crude. She wears skirts and she sits and walks with her legs wide open loh. So disgusting. She's a missus so I pity her husband and children. Her husband must be hen-pecked. She's always walking around yakking away loh. And flirting with men. Disgusting. The department I was in, I think was the lowest. She is so going to be stuck there. Picking only a temp little girl? That is just poor taste. Shows she's not doing her job loh. She reminds me of our dear neighbour. So I must be Singapore! Singapore will always have the last laugh. Although we are too polite to actually laugh.

Happy 42nd Birthday Singapore!