Sunday, August 05, 2007


Yesterday I found a letter from NEA at my doorstep saying their officers had been to my place several times to check for mosquito breeding 'cos there's a dengue case in my neighbourhood but "had been unable to do so as it was found locked". Duh. Even if we were home the place will be locked too.... Phrasing damn salah. Anyway, because they want to come and check I have to clean up my room. Major operation because it's in such a huge mess. So while cleaning up I came across many many old things. And it "inspired" me to dig out my "band box", in which I put st nicks band related stuff. POP presents etc. Not as many things in there as I thought, sadly. But I saw my SP letters and my nick/pen name on the letters - Devilot. I couldn't remember where that name came from but it stirred up happy feelings and I definitely remember that I liked it a lot. In one of the earlier letters my SP asked what is Devilot and I was thinking yah, what is Devilot? Ha.. But after a while I remembered! It's from Super Puzzle Fighter! It has characters from Street Fighter. Very fun. And very cute. Devilot is a secret character and very powerful. Looks like an evil little girl. =) You can tell why I like. Ha.. Don't know where my brother got the game from but I loved playing the game. At least he was good for that. I always played the games he dunno-got-from-where. Anyway, I really want to play the game but couldn't find the game online and found PSP has it so I'm going to buy PSP. Yay. Actually PS, Xbox, Gameboy etc all have it. (Dunno why PC games dun haf.) But PSP more convenient and the PSP game comes with other CAPCOM puzzle games too so I prefer that. Maybe next time too much money will buy PS for that. Heh. Big screen look nicer mah.

In celebration of National Day I'm wearing red and white earrings. Ha.. I'm so happy mediacorp showing Homerun for National Day. Because it was banned in our neighbour country for the water well insinuation. Last week I was typing newspaper articles for an environmental project and the whole file were articles of that stupid neighbour complaining about our land reclamation project and water agreement. Wth. I loved the analogy a person wrote. Team A challenged Team B to a soccer game and Team B won 3-1. Team A raved about how wonderful their goal was, ignoring the fact that Team B scored 3 goals and had in fact won the game. They complained about our land reclamation project and brought the case up to international court. We won and they still make noise. Damn noisy. The letter ended with "MXX boleh!" Ha.. At the end of the project when we were supposed to label the files, that thick fat file didn't quite fall in any of the categories given so I suggested "MXX making noise". Ha... Damn appropriate loh. So much junk and I had to type for about 4 hours all those ridiculous accusations on us. Made me so angry. It reminded me of this stupid old hag of a colleague I had in my first job after A levels.

During lunch one day the old hag saw me and my friend charging our phones. She told us not to cos later overload and will short circuit the entire office. Excuse me, I was working in IRAS. The place is huge and it was lunchtime, ie. not many people in the office, much less using computers. Charging my little puny phone will cause a blackout? Anyway I told her my phone battery was dead so I had to charge a little while so she said ok but not too long. After that she still come and remind me to unplug. In the first place, she wasn't really my colleague. I don't know what she does but she wasn't working with my group of people. The next day early in the morning she was yakking away behind me (where she sits, back facing back) as usual and I did a gesture to my friend about her yakking and I think she saw. That old hag ah, she went and did a despicable act. I was listening to radio on my hp and then suddenly a colleague received a call and told me to stop listening to radio because the supervisor/boss said it's not allowed. Everybody there were shocked loh. Some of the perm staff were whispering that they sometimes listened to radio too and that wah, so far can see ah? I looked over my back and the hag wasn't there. I know must be that old hag go and make noise loh. My friend (actually not really friend) who used to work there till he went for NS, and is the boss's nephew, used to listen to his cd player with big headphones loh. I know the boss only did that because the hag made noise. And that stupid woman thought she had won. Duh. I don't think anybody likes her. She's fat and she's crude. She wears skirts and she sits and walks with her legs wide open loh. So disgusting. She's a missus so I pity her husband and children. Her husband must be hen-pecked. She's always walking around yakking away loh. And flirting with men. Disgusting. The department I was in, I think was the lowest. She is so going to be stuck there. Picking only a temp little girl? That is just poor taste. Shows she's not doing her job loh. She reminds me of our dear neighbour. So I must be Singapore! Singapore will always have the last laugh. Although we are too polite to actually laugh.

Happy 42nd Birthday Singapore!

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