Tuesday, August 14, 2007

On the other side of nagging

Apparently, today is International Nagging Day. Didn't know that existed. Ha.. Heard it over Power 98 from Harry. I hate it that I have to nag my students so much. Can't thay be more "automatic"? Why is it they have to be nagged to do something that benefits them and ultimately, only them? It's not like I'm nagging them to tidy their room, pick up your shoes, lock the frigging door... I keep getting sore throat this year. #*%@....

Hai...I should be working...But I'm so reluctant to do so... Sent home to do some work because cannot anyhow install programme in office's computer. I keep thinking about the book. =P Read till 3am this morning. And read more on the way to work and back from office. I wonder if I should have savoured it more slowly. Then again, my normal reading speed is quite slow already. But I think I definitely read this book faster than other books because it's so exciting. Ha.. I wonder if I looked silly smiling to myself on the train and bus. =P But it's funny! But I hate the parts where many people died. =( Parts. Plural. Think more people going to die. I've stopped reading because I don't want it to end... =( I'm already depressed now because I'm finishing already. Less than a hundred pages left. Boohoo..so sad... So many questions in my head because these people...so dishonest. Ha.. A lot of plotting so it's not clear who the bad guys and good guys are. I'm so sad it's going to end. *cries* Hai... I don't want to know because I don't want it to end......... So frustrating.

I think I shall need to work after tuition tonight because I'm too distracted. Shall ramble on here for a while. Yesterday while reading, something raised a big question mark and I flipped around the back, a bit tempted to know what exactly is the truth but I stopped myself lah. Did I mention I don't want the story to end? Ha.. Anyway, here's a very funny anecdote from the book. (Sonea is a girl and a novice is a young magician in training.)
'So how are we going to lure an Ichani away from the main group?' Zill asked.
'I hear Limek has a good tailor,' Cery said, giving the bushy-haired Thief a meaningful look.
'Fancy yourself in robes?' the man said in a deep voice.
'Oh, they'd never believe a magician could be so short,' Faran scoffed.
'Hai!' Cery protested. He pointed at Sonea. 'There are short magicians.'
Faran nodded. 'I suppose you might be convincing in novices' robes.'

Not sure if it's funny out of context but I was trying not to laugh on the train. =P Cery is supposed to be a powerful and resourceful "Thief". It's a totally made-up world and even animals have different names. The characters' names are a little strange too. Because there's magic in the story, I suppose many people would compare it to Harry Potter. But Harry Potter is after all a children's book series. I haven't read Harry Potter so I can't really judge, but from the movies, I think I much prefer The Black Magician trilogy. It's more for adults. More interesting and more twists I guess. More issues raised. Definitely Harry Potter doesn't discuss homosexuality. Ha.. Though I don't really know why the issue is in the book. Don't really see any link. Oh well. That's not a "highlight" of the book. Anyway I don't like to read stuff that the whole world is reading either. I much prefer to discover good books on my own. More exciting. Does that explain why I don't read newspapers? Haha... Really must start reading though. I think I abandoned my Lord of the Rings because of all the hype also.

I just checked out the author's website. She wrote a sequel trilogy and prequel! =) I was reading parts of it and then I saw the warning at the top to not read without finishing the Black Magician trilogy. I quickly closed the window. Ha.. But the national library doesn't have those books yet. Oh she hasn't even finished writing them yet. Ha.. Will have to wait a few more years for all of them... Saw the different book covers for the Black Magician trilogy. Some have illustrations of the characters. I don't like. Doesn't leave much to the imagination. Lucky those here don't have. I think I might buy the book. Heh. But only this third one and not the first two.

I realise people don't like to read long entries? Better do some work. Ciao...

From her site's FAQ: "...Which meant a gay romance. Some people expect that, if you're going to include a relationship like that in a story there's got to be some kind of point driven home. Why can't characters just happen to be gay? If I had a point to make, it was only that I shouldn't have to have a point to make!" Well, sorry I asked. =P

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