Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wow blogspot can add video now. Cool. Anyway, I just watched the Campus Superstar final. (#&%@!!!) My student luuurves that 13yo boy. At first when I said he was xiaodidi he was very pissed off. Then the next lesson he say xiaodidi must support xiaodidi. Diao. Today was the first time I heard him sing. From what I've heard about him, I was expecting a boy wonder. (Kao.) So horrible! Ok, not hideous lah. But horrible for a finalist loh. I'm sure it's not his best but still don't think he deserves to win. Must be people like wb voting for him. =P I feel sorry for the others. The standard this year dropped so much. Zhiyang was soo much better last year. All better than this year's. Last year my friend said the Campus Superstar contestants were better than the erm, adult(?) Superstar contestants. Youtube still has the videos. ZY put on so much weight now. =P He looked like he was shivering when he was singing with the girl... Most of the singing weren't great but the judges were funny. Especially when they compared the two boys' first songs. The second boy heard the first boy made many mistakes and came out very happy. But then he also made mistakes. So Jimmy Ye said the two of them 彼此彼此. Funny..

This is the slimmer ZY from last year...

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