Saturday, August 18, 2007

Got sent home to work today, or rather, yesterday, again. (Too many commas?) Hence the last post. =P I decided to read a bit of the book before going for tuition. Basket. Make me more depressed 'cos somebody died. Boo! Make me cry.. So depressing! I was in a daze, going for tuition until I encountered faulty traffic lights. It was working a few seconds ago and then the red light started blinking and the other pair of lights started blinking orange. I hardly go to that area so I didn't realise it wasn't supposed to do that so had to run across. The kind-hearted me called LTA to report. The other people who saw it didn't loh. Sheesh. That erm, box full of I-presume-wires had a sign with the LTA number to call in event of faulty traffic lights and the number to quote for that particular set of traffic lights. I was wondering how to tell them where the place was. So convenient. So that's my good deed of the day. And then I boarded the bus and continued obsessing... =P

And then I was too pissed off with my student to remember the book. He's getting really horrible. I conclude that the school produces jerks and assholes because my brother was from that school too. Somemore my student is a prefect loh. Tell him to study for his own sake still must tolerate this kind of rubbish. I just told him I don't care if he gets into normal loh. That shut him up. I was quite surprised by the effectiveness of it. Good! Damn whiny and rude. Spoilt brat..

I decided to finish the book soon because I'm sure the ending would not be depressing. But the guy died...sequels won't have him... Unless he comes back alive. I realise I always half-expect the characters I like who dies to come alive again, somehow or other. Ha.. But only because they are important characters so it's hard to believe they are killed off. So sad.. Boohoo... Basket, make me cry. <- This line is stuck in my head since I read it off Mr Miyagi's blog (whose name is similar to mine!).

He wrote about the movie 881, which I just watched! I think it's quite good. But I don't understand the dialect so had to keep reading the subtitles. Might have missed some stuff. Wah biang I didn't know it was going to be half in dialect. I know the song would be but dialogue also loh. (Singlish creeping in.) May and Choy's Chinese was very cringe-worthy. I cannot stand it. Lucky it wasn't much. Is the point of the guy carrying the rooster simply for the director to make jokes and show the extent of his sacrifice? He didn't explain why he kept carrying it in the first place. At least make up a reason lah. Anyway I like Mindee in the show. She's so skinny. And her mouth makes her face look even skinnier. Her mouth is quite big but not ugly like, erm, you know who lah. Ha.. I wonder if she really shaved her head or was it just computer-generated. Looked as scary as it's supposed to be. Anyway, must support local film. =) And it's quite good too. Oh I think one of the younger ladies, who is a real getai singer, really sings very well! Ha.. I think she can go Taiwan cut album. If she hasn't already. =P

Catchword of the movie: Techno!

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