Saturday, August 18, 2007

Just stumbled upon a blog that discussed the subtlety of designs.

I do agree that the little things count but I always wonder if it's because I'm looking for them. Does the average consumer really care? Even though the product is the most important thing, many of us are brand whores. Quality of the product builds up the brand, a good brand attracts consumers, it goes round and round.. One time I saw an ad on the doors of toilet cubicles in Suntec Convention Hall that read: When S*** is a prayer and not a curse. (Something like that.) Looked at it, thought about it and I realised it was an ad for something related to constipation. True enough, on the other side of the door was the ad introducing constipation medicine. I thought it was creative and fun but my friends didn't even get it. I would like to think who cares about the ignorants and that my ideas just need to appeal to smart people who appreciates these things, but the point of ads is to sell and not impress. Not just impress anyway. So how if people don't get it? My teacher said not to underestimate consumers' intelligence otherwise the world would be a bore and there will be no progress. So then I can still say To hell with the ignorants. =)

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