Monday, August 06, 2007


Lifehouse celebrates National Day with us! Ha.. You'll have to watch the vid to know why...

We're crashing
Into the unknown
We're lost in this
But it feels like home

Today I was in office alone all day. So happy. Ha.. I was watching videos on my mp3 player and singing. I even looked for the lyrics online and sang myself hoarse. Ha.. =P Lucky got mints in the office. And lucky that when my colleague came in in late afternoon I was too tired to sing already. Haha.. If I'm always in the office alone I won't be getting much work done... Plus I'm collecting interesting newspaper articles that I come across at work. =P Another day then scan them in and upload here. I don't know how to use the scanner in the office and the scanner at home must dig out from storeroom so...wait till national day holiday ba.

I was reading this article about a girl winning a writing contest and she had written against showing R(A) movies in Singapore. I didn't know it was only brought in in 1992. It was originally set at 18 years old and then changed to 21 after protests, I think. Anyway, she thought such things couldn't possibly be artistic and was (as I perceived) violently against it. Towards the end of the article she was quoted saying she wants to be a linguist or translator..something about liking to read.."i read the bible"... And I snorted at that and thought no wonder... Oops. Haha.. So sorry. I think I have something against Christians/Catholics/Anglicans/whatnot. =P It's just very annoying that they keep pushing, shoving, stuffing their religion down other people's throats loh. It's rude and disrespectful, especially when they do it to people who already have their own beliefs. Okay, you can let other people know more about your religion, show people what else is out there, but you don't have to be so pushy. And some of them damn narrow-minded loh. I think when I went for my aptitude test at NUS this lady, Christian or something, trying to ask us to join their club, was talking about the government allowing homosexuals to join the cabinet or something (I know no politics) and she was so against it. She said homosexuals are promiscuous and they always change partners and are not reliable. Wth. I can't believe an adult in NUS (she was quite old) actually said something so dumb. You mean there are no promiscuous heterosexuals? *makes a disgusted face* Anyway this inclination is in their genes loh. It is as natural to them as being straight is to us. (The second book of The Black Magician trilogy has a quote on this. Forgot to copy it down...borrow again next time.. I got the third book already!) My (older) colleagues also like to criticise young people and talk about the stupid things they do. I can't believe people are so stupid they don't realise there are exceptions to everything. One day I couldn't stand it and just blew up. I said, there are stupid young people and there are stupid old people too loh. You have something against young people? Just because someone is young doesn't mean they don't have experiences. Excuse me, wisdom does not come naturally with age. There are plenty of stupid old people around. I really did say most of what I typed here k. I was that irritated.

I wonder if we'll have that much of a generation gap with the next generation. I think the generation gap between us and the older folks now is partly because our generation is more widely educated. Was that phrasing right? As in more of us are educated, compared to their generation. I don't know.. But then having experienced the torture of being misunderstood by the older generation, would we be more tolerant of the younger generation? Then again ah, didn't they have generation gap with the older ones too? So why don't they understand. Stoopid. I think maybe because they're historians so especially lao kok kok (LKK). They're not even that old loh. Only 30+ and 40+. I don't like LKKs. Power to the young!

Anyway, I realised I tempted wb into considering buying PSP too. Ha.. I wanted the white one but apparently the keys get yellowish. =S So maybe will get black. How come they don't have yellow? Oh they have limited ed gold I think. Min can buy. Ha.. Hopefully can finish reading the book on thu then can play PSP over the whole weekend. Heh. And then monday go office charge batt. Haha..

I have this feeling that my penpals abandoned me.. =( Taking very long to reply loh. But when I decide that they're gone, the letter will appear. Hmm.. Penpals so far away a bit not convenient.. Digging up my old letters made me feel more like having a local penpal. I wonder why I didn't continue with my angel in JC. That one was from junior class and was quite fun. I had her no. but lost it with my beloved nokia 8310.. =( Didn't really keep in contact with her much even just after JC tho. The sad face was for my phone. Ha.. The st nicks "penpals" weren't that fun actually. The "fun" ones were those who thought I was their penpal. Ha.. I like confusing people. =)

Okay that's enough crapping for today. Ciao babes! (Maggie says this so much on Morning Jam it's in my head liao..)

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