Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Thirteenth Tale

I hate finishing books that I like.. Boohoo. I wonder why the book was tagged "gothic" in the online book "community" that I'm in. Shelfari, in case you're wondering. My "friends" in that community haven't updated their shelves since they first logged in (?), including the one who added me in the first place. Oh how good I am at digressing. Ha..

This is one of the very few books that captivated me from the first page. I remember in JC, probably during the first 3 months, our prose literature teacher gave us a sheet of paper with the first paragraphs of a novel and said if we weren't drawn by it then we probably shouldn't take literature because that was the book we were going to study. I thought it was boring. But I still took literature and got A for it at 'A' levels. Aha! What good is getting an A if I can't brag about it? Haha.. That lit teacher is my favourite angmoh teacher. I was also going to say my first but then I remembered that one we had in Sec 3. She was crap.

Lit lessons were more enjoyable than other lessons because we usually get the aircon rooms. I think it's because the angmoh teacher melts in hot weather. Even when we're half frozen he'll still say it's too warm. ??! Why most of us never thought to bring jackets, I don't know. Seriously, why I didn't think of that? But I like that we always get the nice rooms with aircon because of whatever reason. Heh. And he sometimes makes his lessons more interesting too. One lesson he told me to go out of the class, wait for a while then come in later. Don't know why he picked me. I wasn't even sitting in front of him. After that he popped his head out and told me to go back and then made me describe the scene in the classroom, which was the rest of the class laughing and me very confused? And apprehensive of saying something stupid. Ha.. Anyway there was somebody hiding behind the TV cupboard and I forgot what the exercise was for. =P Something about the narrative not knowing what the other characters knew.

Anyway, this book is really intriging. Kinda reminds me of The Pillowman, in that there's a lot of storytelling. Pillowman has many stories in it but this only has one. But this one has many twists and turns. Actually it's a rather sad story. But I want to read it again to see how the "truth" revealed at the end fits in with the story. I think part of the ending is a little odd though..but I've never really liked endings. The only ending that I remember liking is Sue Townsend's Adrian Mole: The Wilderness Years. That's because Adrian's life was so pathetic (and erm, so was he..) thus the believably happy ending was very much a relief. I can't not read to the end once I start reading it because I get so depressed and the ending is the only cure to that depression.

The other thing that I like about this book is that there are many mentions of classics so it makes me want to read those books. Jane Eyre was mentioned a lot so I definitely want to read that.

Dr. Clifton came. He listened to my heart and asked me lots of questions. "Insomnia? Irregular sleep? Nightmares?"

I nodded three times.

"I thought so."

He took a thermometer and instructed me to place it under my tongue, then rose and strode to the window. With his back to me, he asked, "And what do you read?"

With the thermometer in my mouth I could not reply.

"Wuthering Heights - you've read that?"


"And Jane Eyre?"


"Sense and Sensibility?"


He turned and looked gravely at me. "And I suppose you've read these books more than once?"

I nodded and he frowned.

"Read and reread? Many times?"

Once more I nodded, and his frown deepened.

"Since childhood?"

I was baffled by his questions, but compelled by the gravity of his gaze, nodded once again.

Beneath his dark brow his eyes narrowed to slits. I could quite see how he might frighten his patients into getting well, just to be rid of him.

And then he leaned close to me to read the thermometer.

Perple look different from close up. A dark brow is still a dark brow, but you can see the individual hairs in it, how nearly they are aligned. The last few brow hairs, very fine, almost invisible, strayed off in the direction of his temple, pointed to the snail-coil of his ear. In the grain of his skin were closely arranged pinpricks of beard. There it was again: that almost imperceptible flaring of the nostrils, that twitch at the edge of the mouth. I had always taken it for severity, a clue that he thought little of me; but now, seeing it from so few inches away, it occurred to me that it might not be disapproval after all. Is it possible, I thought, that Dr. Clifton was secretly laughing at me?

He removed the thermometer from my mouth, folded his arms and delivered his diagnosis. "You are suffering from an ailment that afflicts ladies of romantic imagination. Symptoms include fainting, weariness, loss of appetite, low spirits. While on one level the crisis can be ascribed to wandering about in freezing rain without the benefit of adequate waterproofing, the deeper cause is more likely to be found in some emotional trauma. However, unlike the heroines of your favourite novels, your constitution has not been weakened by the privations of life in earlier, harsher centuries. No tuberculosis, no childhood polio, no unhygienic living conditions. You'll survive."

He looked me straight in the eyes, and I was unable to slide my gaze away when he said, "You don't eat enough."

"I have no appetite."

"L'appétit vient en mangeant."

"Appetite comes by eating," I translated.

"Exactly. Your appetite will come back. But you must meet it halfway. You must want it to come."

It was my turn to frown.

"Treatment is not complicated: eat, rest and take this..." - he made quick notes on a pad, tore out a page and placed it on my bedside table - "and the weakness and fatigue will be gone in a few days." Reaching for his case, he stowed his pen and paper. Then, rising to leave, he hesitated. "I'd like to ask you about these dreams of yours, but I suspect you wouldn't like to tell me..."

Stonily I regarded him. "I wouldn't."

His face fell. "Thought not."

From the door he saluted me and was gone.

I reached for the prescription. In a vigorous scrawl, he had inked: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes. Take ten pages, twice a day, till end of course.

Sweet poem spotted

Saw this really sweet poem in a blog. The backstory is that the "chicken" and the "bee" used to go out but split up amicably. He had previously written a poem of her as a bee.

To my gorgeous beary chicken:

There once was a chicken who lived in a shoe
And he simply didn't know what to do
One grey cloudy day he felt really glum
Cos a girl chicken stopped him from touching her bum
So phoned up his friend, a small stripey bee
And said "Dudely dude! I'm sad! Woe is me!"
The bee said "Now, don't you worry my dear,
Dry your tears and don't cry, never worry, I'm here!
For soon the girl chicken will just leave your mind
And you'll be touching lots of other behinds!"
The chicken still wailed, banging fists on the floor
So the bee said quite sharply "Come on now! No more!"
She went to his shoe and rang on the bell
The chicken, he answered but he just looked like hell.
She took her bee arms with their stripes down the side
She stepped a bit closer and opened them wide
The chicken came in for a big squeezy hug
And was happy that he had stayed friends with this bug
He realised that one day he'd be smiley again
But come rain or shine, the bee'd still be his friend.

Love your friend

The bee.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

There are many things wrong with many, many people

I Hate Smokers

Yesterday on the bus I saw this girl in a black T-shirt with glittery gold words that read: Smoking keeps me thin and gorgeous. I'm sure a totally disgusted look leapt on my face. That girl is not that thin and definitely not gorgeous. I felt like "accidentally" knocking into her when getting off the bus but I was stopping at the interchange so I knew I wouldn't get the chance. She alighted before me anyway.

Later in the night/morning I went to feed the cat and kitten around 1am. (The kitten played with my projection toy while I dangled it. It was so cute my heart almost exploded. Ha..) Before I left I suddenly saw something glow. A fucking bastard threw a cigarette butt down. It missed me and the cat (thankfully). I had a good mind to hurl vulgarities at the fucking ashhole but that would be unfair to the other neighbours. I wanted to shout something like, I HOPE YOU DIE A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH WITH NOBODY BY YOUR SIDE AND WITH NO MONEY. But actually, that would probably happen anyway. Anybody willing to be with smokers will probably die before them since second-hand smoke kills more efficiently than first-hand smoke. And since cigarettes are expensive, and so are medicines and treatments for diseases associated with smoking, money will be gone quickly too. So please, don't die so soon.

Even later, I went home and read at my balcony with a neighbour's TV blasting away. I could hear all the sound effects - exciting show they were watching - but the dialogues were muffled. If the cats were meowing, they couldn't have been making more noise than that. After a while I heard something like sand or raindrops falling on my window grilles. I looked out and up my window. After a while I saw a guy on the top floor (about 6 floors up) standing by the staircase landing. I don't know why I kept on standing there looking. Maybe waiting for things to fall so I know where they came from. I looked at my window grille tracks but didn't see anything. Strange. Anyway I saw the stupid guy throw something down and heard the splitter splatter again. Just now when I was feeding the cat some idiot threw down otah remains. He had better keep it up because I intend to capture him in camera and report him for killer litter. Of all the stupid things to throw, he threw a cigarette butt that can be used to get his DNA. Now, who can I complain to about this asshead killer litter bug?

Art by Becky Young

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Kitty update!

Raining so heavily now.. The cats went inside the pipes to hide. I fed them around 2pm and I got clear pictures of the kitten! Yay. *clapclapclap* Ha.. Got a video too.

Kitten (and mommy) from Ye on Vimeo.

The kitten seems less scared when it's daytime. And maybe because it sees me putting the food there, which it eats too, and mommy is there too. Mommy keeps sniffing everywhere for food and her face came so close to mine it was kinda scary.. At least she did lie down quietly after a while so I can watch the kitten. I waved the strip of plastic off the cat food packet that was torn off and watched the kitten's eyes follow it around. When I stopped the kitten stared for a while and started crawling towards it gingerly. When I moved the strip again it backed off. When I didn't move it for a long time, it moved nearer and then suddenly banged it paw in an attempt to scare it. Obviously it surprised me and my hand, with the strip, flew up. And the kitten looked very surprised. Sheesh. At least it didn't pounce on my hand and scratch me. I read on a website that you shouldn't wiggle your fingers to play with kittens because then it would associate your hands with prey and always scratch your hands so should use a toy.

I've been throwing balls of junk paper there for the kitten to play with. Otherwise it only has its own tail and mommy's tail to play with. I've seen it chasing its own tail before. So cute. Ha.. Just now it pinned down its tail and pawed it. So funny. And cute. Ha.. Haven't tried successfully to play with the kitten with my little projection toy. I wonder if it would be interested in watching bubbles.. But I don't want to accidentally poison them since the bubbles might burst and settle on where they eat.

Everybody looks weird on the gala show...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's time for...

...another kitty update! Ha.. Still feeding the cat(s) but not so much now because I don't want to overfeed her and I'm quite broke. They still meow now and then but I just take it that its mommy and kitten communicating. Last night (or this morning) at 3am they were meowing quite a bit. Don't know if they were hungry or something else. Mommy was walking around on the wall and then she kept jumping up and down the wall. Like she wants to go somewhere (to look for food?) but kitten keeps crying for mommy so she went back. I decided to go down because I'm so kind-hearted. Ha..

Usually when I walk out of the lift lobby to the area mommy cat would meow and come towards me if she's on the ground. I saw her sitting in front of the wall on "defence mode", like she's ready to pounce if attacked. I followed the direction of her intense gaze and saw a stray dog, who upon seeing me bounced away. I was firstly very surprised to see a stray dog because I haven't seen one in a long while. There were a few around when we first moved here because construction was still going on nearby and not many people moved in already. Secondly, I was super relieved that it went away on its own because I don't know if it would attack me if I attempted to chase it away.. It's quite small for a stray dog but still quite big for a dog. Hmm, why aren't there any small stray dogs?

Anyway, the cat and I watched the dog trottle away. After a distance it stopped and looked back, saw me still there and continued going away. Phew. When it was gone the cat came towards me, meowing softly. Don't know if she was being considerate because it was late at night or she was scared.

Then I went to the wall place to put some food for them. The dumb kitten was scared (as usual) and started hissing. When it realised it wasn't fooling me it started crying for mommy. Which is quite loud. Being in an enclosed place the meows might have been amplified. I didn't want to disturb the neighbours so I tried to hurry and also try to get the cat to jump up to get the food. The cat always follow me around on the ground meowing and standing so close I'm afraid I would accidentally step on her. I always have to try to "tell" her the food is up there so please jump up! It would be easier to put on the ground but I wanted to feed the kitten too. It'll only eat if mommy's eating too. And if nobody is near. The other day I put the food there and went to throw away the packaging and when I went back the kitten froze and stared at me with its big terrified eyes. I quickly went away. Well at least it didn't scamper away. Yesterday I watched at a far far distance. Kitten so cute.

I took a picture of the kitten the other afternoon. It was sleeping on the pipe directly under the hole. It wanted some light I supposed. I just put my camera over and shot blindly. It hissed at the camera. So fierce!

There's a lot of disgusting rubbish on the ground inside. Yuck. No wonder it stinks so bad. I cropped them out of the picture. It's so not cute like that. I read online that laser pointer is good for playing with cats but I couldn't find a laser pointer so I bought this little projection thing that's like a small torch and projects a picture. Doesn't really work.. They're not interested in it. But the other evening I saw the kitten on the pipe under the hole staring at the wall and I shone it on the wall. The kitten got such a fright it fell off the pipe. Haha.. It was so funny. Ok that's a bit evil but it was still funny. How would I know it would be so scared?

I think the kitten comes out more now. Just now I saw from my balcony the kitten was trying to play with mommy's tail. But mommy was just lying there. Sleepy? I would gladly entertain the kitten if only it wasn't so scared of people. Stupid kitten..

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I played with the kitten!

Well, sort of.

View from my balcony:

I went down in the evening to feed the cats and the kitten was on a pipe directly under the hole and wouldn't come up. I fed the mommy but she couldn't bite a big chunk to bring to the kitten because the food wasn't solid enough. So she just eat eagerly, ignoring her kitten's cries. I was shocked at her indifference. Ha.. Anyway the cat kept meowing for more food but I wanted to wait for the kitten to come up so I can feed the kitten too. I guessed the kitten was crying for food? The kitten wouldn't come up and mommy kept eating all the food. I had used the lid of a plastic bowl to put the cat food so I just reached as far down the hole as I could with the lid for the kitten to lick. At first the kitten was scared and just stared but eventually it was seduced by the smell and licked it. So cute! The second time I reached down it forgot what it was supposed to do and just stared at me. Adorable big black eyes. =) I used the lid to block its view and it shifted its stare to the lid. It stared for a long time so I started moving the lid around and its gaze just didn't leave the lid. I made it turn its cute little head round and round and left and right. Heh. So fun. Couldn't get it to eat much so mommy ate most of the food.

At night I went down to visit them again. =) In the evening the cat kept scratching on the metal doors so I took one of the numerous annual reports at home still in the thick envelope so see if the cat would scratch that. I took a book down, intending to just sit there and accompany the cat. I was bored too anyway and it is a breezy night. I was delighted to see the kitten out of the hole. =) The cat seemed happy to see me so I was stroking and playing with her and then she almost bit me. I think she wanted to eat? My hands must smell like the cat food. I think it still smells a little fishy.. Anyway she opened her mouth and I could feel her teeth. Luckily I pulled my hand away quickly and her teeth weren't sharp. She wasn't aggressive either. No harm done.

The lady neighbour came by with an extra son. Ha.. She had another older boy. She remarked that the cat ate too much and was bloated. Oops. But she was asking for food... But I knew that I did feed more than what was recommended on the food packet. Maybe mothers need to eat more? She did bring some to the kitten.. Anyway the younger son was too friendly and the kitten ran down again. He wants to touch the kitten but I don't think anyone would be able to. Chatted with them a little.

After they left I sat on the curb to read while the cat kept walking around me. I think she wanted a good scratch on some edges. Somehow I realised she really enjoyed scratching her chin and neck on my book so I just held it for her to scratch away. That's quite funny. Ha.. After a while the cat started wandering around, like she was looking for something. I just let her walk around while I read since she wasn't making noise and she ate too much.. She was very funny. There was so much space around but she always stepped over my feet. Eventually I guessed she was looking for her kitten because it was out of sight and silent. Maybe she realised from last night that meowing was futile so she was quiet. (Am so glad she got over the loss of her kittens already.) I think she didn't know her kitten was inside so I tried to guide her back there and made some noise to wake the kitten so it would make some noise but it didn't work. I went back reading and eventually the cat went down and found her kitten. And after a while the kitten came out too! Hurrah!

I wanted to feed the kitten but the mommy kept eating the food. Glutton. Ha.. I think she really likes the wet cat food because she now ignores the cat treats. She needs to be hydrated anyway. I had to put a little food on one end to distract the mommy and then put food at the kitten's end, taking care not to scare the kitten away. Then I stood further away to watch them because the kitten is so scared of people. Yay the kitten ate my food. When it had enough mommy finished it and meowed for more. Do cats overeat? I always thought they know better..

I just stood there for very long watching them. It was too dark to take video and the pictures are quite dark too.

Note the little tongue..

Can't get any of the kitten because it's too far back. I could see it very clearly though. It was so cute, chasing its own tail. Heh. It would crawl gingerly towards the other side but would scurry back quickly when it sees me. And then play with the bowl of water in the corner. So cute! I think I stood there so long it got curious about me. It stood half hiding behind the pipe looking at me. Eyes wide wide. So cute. Like this:

I think it's the same kitten. After a long, long while, I went to sit at the curb and the kitten came out nearer to the edge to look at me. Aww.. Mommy also woke up and meowed. For food.. Greedy kitty. When I left she leapt down and followed me a bit and then sat there watching me. So cute. I want to bring them home but I wouldn't know how to take care of them. I think they're used to being outdoors anyway. Hope will see them around for a long long time.

Since I'm bored...

I haven't seen the cat (from my balcony) for a few hours. Maybe she's inside or elsewhere looking for her kittens. Maybe daylight calmed her down. I've learned several new things about cats these two days from the internet. Apparently a female cat can get pregnant at the age of 7-8 months and the pregnancy is usually only about 2 months, or a couple weeks more. I still think the cat looks really young. She's so cute. I want my own place and my own cat..

I really should be doing something more useful but I've been wasting my time (since the last post) reading a new blog I found and doing useless quizzes. =P I did learn from one of her old posts that blogger has a link button. And I've been copying the code from my template. Sheesh.

Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...

You Are an Ingrid!


You are an Ingrid -- "I am unique"

Ingrids have sensitive feelings and are warm and perceptive.

How to Get Along with Me

  • * Give me plenty of compliments. They mean a lot to me.

  • * Be a supportive friend or partner. Help me to learn to love and value myself.

  • * Respect me for my special gifts of intuition and vision.

  • * Though I don't always want to be cheered up when I'm feeling melancholy, I sometimes like to have someone lighten me up a little.

  • * Don't tell me I'm too sensitive or that I'm overreacting!

What I Like About Being an Ingrid

  • * my ability to find meaning in life and to experience feeling at a deep level

  • * my ability to establish warm connections with people

  • * admiring what is noble, truthful, and beautiful in life

  • * my creativity, intuition, and sense of humor

  • * being unique and being seen as unique by others

  • * having aesthetic sensibilities

  • * being able to easily pick up the feelings of people around me

What's Hard About Being an Ingrid

  • * experiencing dark moods of emptiness and despair

  • * feelings of self-hatred and shame; believing I don't deserve to be loved

  • * feeling guilty when I disappoint people

  • * feeling hurt or attacked when someone misundertands me

  • * expecting too much from myself and life

  • * fearing being abandoned

  • * obsessing over resentments

  • * longing for what I don't have

Ingrids as Children Often

  • * have active imaginations: play creatively alone or organize playmates in original games

  • * are very sensitive

  • * feel that they don't fit in

  • * believe they are missing something that other people have

  • * attach themselves to idealized teachers, heroes, artists, etc.

  • * become antiauthoritarian or rebellious when criticized or not understood

  • * feel lonely or abandoned (perhaps as a result of a death or their parents' divorce)

Ingrids as Parents

  • * help their children become who they really are

  • * support their children's creativity and originality

  • * are good at helping their children get in touch with their feelings

  • * are sometimes overly critical or overly protective

  • * are usually very good with children if not too self-absorbed

Take Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz
at HelloQuizzy

No idea who she is though..

Your result for The Would You Have Been a Nazi Test...

The Resistance

Achtung! You are 38% brainwashworthy, 18% antitolerant, and 43% blindly patriotic

Welcome to the Resistance (Der Widerstand)! You believe in freedom, justice, equality, and your country, and you can't be converted to the the dark side.

Breakdown: your Blind Patriotism levels are borderline unhealthy, but you show such a love of people from everywhere and a natural resistance to brainwashing, you would probably focus your energy to fight the Fuehrer with furor, so to speak.

Conclusion: born and raised in Germany in the early 1930's, you would have taken up ARMS against the oppressors. Or even your friends' oppressors. Congratulations!

Less than 5% of all test takers earn a spot in the Resistance!

The Would You Have Been A Nazi? Test

- it rules -

Take The Would You Have Been a Nazi Test
at HelloQuizzy


Your result for What's Your Price? ...

I'm worth $1356 million! (27 dealbreakers.)
You're almost priceless.

If we put you on the market, it looks like you'd be worth $1356 million. Of the 42 different scenarioes, you said you couldn't be bought on 27 of them.

For the record, every time you refused to do something for any amount of money, it added another $50 million to your score (hey, I had to assign it SOME sort of dollar value).

So, you're not easily bought. To score in this category, you must have said NO to at least 20 of the questions. It's easy for people to insist that they're not easily swayed by money, but it your case it seems that's actually the truth. There are plenty of values you hold onto dearly - which makes you someone other people can probably trust a lot. You stick to your principles, and that's something to be proud of!

Feel superior. Next to you, everyone else looks sort of cheap.

Good morning kitties

I was woken up this morning by meowing.. I looked out and the son of the lady neighbour was there stroking the cat. He's quite sweet. Yesterday he said he wanted to keep the cat but his mother said no. He also said the cat was crying.

I went down to feed them and the cat was meowing for more food so I'm not sure if all her meowing today was for her kittens. Maybe she gave up already? I'm sure she's tired and hungry from looking for her kittens all night. But the cat and kitten were meowing a lot after the packet of wet cat food was finished so I came up to get more food. When I went back down there was a boy on the wall looking at the kitten in the hole. I thought he was talking to me so I said something. He was talking to his little sister behind. Anyway he asked whose cat it was and then asked me who made the cat pregnant. Ha.. How would I know? Anyway the cat was lying there comfortably and wasn't pestering me for food. I went to buy more cat food. She was eating more than I expected, especially since the lady neighbour feeds them too. When I went back, two other kids were up there so I just stayed a little while and left because she didn't seem hungry and had company. I think they'll have a lot of company since it's the weekend and school holidays and they're so cute.
My god, the cat is sounding more and more pitiful and desperate..

I went yahoo answers and got responses within minutes. Many nice people.. Apparently she'll get over it in a few days or a week. That's the sad thing about being a responsible and loving mommy huh? At least there's still one kitten left?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Kitty update

The cat is meowing away. =( Some idiots took her kittens. Just now I saw some people down there and the cats were making a din. A guy opened a door and was inside the pipes. I just thought they were playing with them and they were scared so meowed a lot. I saw a kitten run one way and the mother the other. After some time I heard the cat meowing again and the people weren't there. I thought maybe the kitten that ran away was missing so I went down to maybe help find it. The cat hissed at me. Must be because of the people earlier. There was still a kitten there, meowing away like mommy. The cat jumped up the wall to protect the lone kitten left. The little square door that the cat used to go down was closed so I opened it. The cat was walking around and meowing for her kittens. She kept looking into the hole to the pipes and even went in and walked around, meowing. So sad. I saw her walk around the area, peering under rubbish. Reminded me of the first night when she pulled out the kitten from behind bags of garbage.

I walked around the blocks but couldn't find any kitten so I went back to the cat. The lady neighbour I saw yesterday afternoon was there with her son. She fed her canned cat food. She said some "maria"s took the kittens because they said they have cats at home. She also said maybe they just took them to play with and would take them back. Well, they still haven't. I hope the kittens bite and scratch the bastard kidnappers. The kittens still need their mother's milk loh. And now she's going to meow all night. Just now she was circling me, like the last time she needed my help. Unfortunately I can't help her.. I think she went further away to look for her kittens. So sad. Those assholes better return the kittens.

This afternoon I went down with another water bowl and saw the guy from last night again. Just passed by and was surprised he recognised me because I was wearing spectacles. In the evening I went down again to feed the cat wet cat food that I bought in the afternoon. A little girl came and asked me, jiejie is that your cat. Quite cute. Talked to her a little. A man saw me feeding too and thanked me. I had no idea what to reply..

It's quiet now. Maybe the cat isn't back from her search yet. Reminds me of when I was working at Aloha resorts and somebody found some kittens. A colleague likes cats so she got them to put the box of kittens in our office. =) They were so cute. But they were weak because they can't find their mommy so hadn't been fed for a while and just slept a lot. Maybe that's why they weren't aggressive? That day I was told to go to some resorts to check that everything was ok. In one resort I either heard a noise or saw a shadow so I went to check it out. I saw a cat lying under a table who stared at me and meowed. I went back and said I saw a cat and somebody said they found the kittens in that resort so they asked some guys to help bring the box of kittens there. The cat and kittens were very excited when they saw each other. The kittens were starving. Yay I saved the kittens. After that we brought all of them back outside our office. My friend and I went back to office the next day, which was Saturday, just to play with the kittens. Heh. Usually only one person works in the office on Sat and she said it was ok. =)

My camera wasn't that good and they were moving a lot..

Aloha kitties from Ye on Vimeo.

Aloha kittens from Ye on Vimeo.

more aloha.. from Ye on Vimeo.

Sigh, the cat is meowing a lot. So poor thing. I see her go around the block a few times le. Even when it's quiet her meowing still rings in my head.. I want to go down to console the cat but don't know how. Just now the lady said cannot mix old and new cats together because they will fight. The kittens are so fierce I wonder how they caught them in the first place. I saw one of the girls sitting on the curb. Maybe she got bitten. Serves her right! I hope the kittens are returned soon or mommy gets over it soon..

Latest neighbourhood attraction

When I was coming home at 10+ just now I saw a guy crouching at the low wall area stroking the mommy cat and I also immediately saw a kitten at the corner meowing away. The guy looked friendly enough and I was dreading trying to put the kitten back up again (and I badly needed to pee) so I asked him if he was afraid of cats and if he could put the kitten back up. I don't think it was the same kitten but it does the exact same thing - hiss and bare its tiny sharp fangs. (I'm getting annoyed with that...) He realised the kitten was very fierce too and pointed out the necessity of stroking the cat first before attempting to approach the kitten.

Why in the world are the kittens so fierce??

After attempting to get the cat to lure the kitten nearer, (I think he was waiting for his girlfriend) he went aside to make a call. Meanwhile I saw a young family approaching, going aw, there are kittens! Since they were friendly I asked them if they dared to touch cats. Heh. They soon realised the kitten was insanely fierce so the guy didn't dare touch it too. They were commenting on how cute the cat and kittens were (the rest of the kittens were still up there in the corner) and then they were saying where's the mother or something. I thought they saw another cat and thought it might be the mother so I said this, the cat at my feet, was the mother and then I saw an older woman pushing a pram with a kid towards them and quickly realised they were talking about their own mother. So paiseh. Shit. At least I very quickly realised my own mistake and pointed it out. Eh so then we hovered for a very long time, half gushing at how cute the cat and kittens were and half wondering how to move the kitten without being bitten. In the end the young mother offered her cardigan for her husband to safely grab the kitten. Actually he was saying before that that he would be able to grab it if he had a towel. I probably should have gone up and taken a towel. Oops. That was stupid of me. The older mother disapproved of using her cardigan but she wasn't really the mean kind of old lady so I don't think she was very angry. I hope. =P

So far no kittens fell off again. I did see other people standing there looking at the cat/kittens. Oh a strange old man dropped off a cooked chicken's head or something when the guy and I were there and one of the kittens was rather enjoying it.. But the place kinda stinks. The young father said the kittens did their business in there since they can't come down. At first they were saying the mother cat would be able to get the kitten up herself but I said the kitten was too heavy for the cat. She had problem just moving it on ground level. I wonder if I had left first would they still help the kitty? Probably? They seem very nice. I did learn that using towel is a good way to pick up the kitten. It kinda calmed it down for a moment.. Next time I bring towel down. I wonder who's going to clean their business in the pipes and how... Oh yah one of the plastic bowls are gone. Wonder if it dropped in..

Friday, November 14, 2008

Cute kitties living downstairs

This morning, or last night, before I went to sleep anyway, I heard some meowing downstairs so I took a look from my balcony. I usually take a look to make sure cats weren't being tortured by some sadistic bastard. I could tell from the meows that at least one was a kitten and I saw a kitten and a bigger cat. I was wondering if I should go down and feed them because maybe they were hungry. After some time they shut up and looked quite still. I was still contemplating going down because kittens are cute. =) But it was 2+am so I wasn't sure if I should. After a while they started stirring and meowing so I went down with cat treats and a plastic bowl of water to see how I can help.

The two kitties that I saw:

Usually kittens are very friendly and even if they are scared, they aren't hostile. This kitten, cute as it may seem, is damn fierce.

Fierce kitten from Ye on Vimeo.

I know it's a tiny thing but I jumped because it was late at night and I was tired and in any case, I don't like to be scratched. My hands were already shaking a little because I was a little hungry too. I have no idea why the kitty is so hostile. Isn't it a little too young to be so contemptuous? Anyway, I thought the bigger kitty was an older "friend" looking out for it because it looks a little too young to be a mother. Or maybe it was a teenage pregnancy. Ha.. But just now I went down to visit them and a lady was there and said she was the mother and there were 5 kittens in the low wall hiding the pipes etc. And I saw the uh feeding mechanism too. That's a really young mother. Oh and my neighbour agreed that the kitten was very fierce too. Ha.. The kitten wasn't around just now. Probably below the aluminium doors with its siblings.

Anyway, I digressed. Last night I put a bit of cat food and the water bowl on the floor and the mommy kitty immediately ate and drank. But the kitten was so scared it ran and hid behind a big pile of rubbish. After a while, mommy kitty pulled the kitten out by its neck with her mouth and brought it back where I was, by the low wall. It was so cute I decided to go back home to get my camera. Ha.. When the mommy established that I wasn't some sadist out to hurt them, she came to me and did the friendly cat stuff. She is very cute. When she was sitting on the low wall thingy, which was about 1.2m, and I was crouching down (trying to persuade the damn kitten not to be so fierce), it reminded me of Puss in boots.

Kitties with problem from Ye on Vimeo.

I guessed that mommy wants kitten up on the wall because it's sheltered from the rain (was drizzling a little). It kept jumping up and then meowing at the kitten. But the kitten was too small to jump that high. I guessed mommy was friendly to me because she wanted me to help. It kept looking at me on the wall. (It's not quite a wall but I don't know what to call it.) The kitten kept scratching the corner of the wall and meowing. It was tired so it dozed off a little but woke up and hissed when I tried to get closer to put it up there.

Eventually, when mommy was down and distracting the kitten, amid all the prancing and the little dance they had going, I finally managed to grab the kitten and dropped it on the wall. Mission accomplished! Finally... I was a little scared that the kitten would scratch me and scream (especially since it's the middle of the night) but I think it just hissed very fiercely and wiggled. It's kind of a blur because I was scared and wanted to just be done with it. I literally just dropped it on the wall because I was afraid it would scratch me the moment its feet touched ground and I couldn't retract in time. Phew. I wasted about an hour trying to help this stupid kitten, trying to convince it that I was trying to help it. I'm glad I did manage to help them. =) At one point when I was crouching, the kitten might have been curious about this "thing" that its mommy was circling and it walked around, under, etc. me. So cute. But I didn't dare touch it until it was a little bit away from me, in case the stupid fierce kitten bites me or something. But it just ran away when I patted its head.

Kitty problem solved from Ye on Vimeo.

I'm so glad it didn't hiss at me anymore. I think the video is too dark here for you to see the kitten. It was poking its head and paw into the water bowl. Very cute. =) When everything was on the ground it did the same thing too. So cute!

...several hours later...

Just now I saw from my balconythe lady from just now visiting the cats again and she brought her son to take pictures. Copy me. Ha.. I went down again when I saw kittens. =) There were quite a lot of them! They were all on top of each other so I couldn't really count. Maybe 4. They were a little fierce too and obviously scared. But still cute. Luckily it only started to rain when they decided they were too scared and went back under with the pipes.

I can see from the balcony now that the kittens are with mommy. Probably feeding. But they were eating the cat food my nice neighbour gave them so I'm sure they won't be hungry. Glad I don't need to buy cat food since she feeds them. Heh. Oh yah somebody poured away the water in the bowl I brought down last night and put it so far back that I couldn't reach them so I had to bring another bowl down. At least one kitten seemed to like playing with the empty bowl. The video is a little short because they seemed scared of the camera and moving away so I'd rather see more of them and have less proof..

Kittens from Ye on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Les Choristes

=) Just met jn who helped me buy the Les Choristes soundtrack from Québec. =) And she gave me a cherry maple leaf lollipop as souvenir too. Cannot wait to hear it..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

On a side note

I was on Fb and saw this banner ad about a decade of Christina Aguilera's music or something. My first reaction was, got 10 years already meh? And to my horror, yes it's been 10 years since my secondary days. Because that's how I remember her. My friends in secondary school liked her and we would MTV's (Christina Aguilera, N-Sync, etc.) at Chris's place.

Yesterday on the Amazing Race, they had to go into this Indinan celebration where they threw around coloured powder and water so everybody was more or less colourful. Tina ended up with green hair and because she cleaned her face, she looked a little more pale and white. I thought she looked a lot like Joker. =)

A very exciting scene was just on Criminal Minds. This convicted violent murderer is in the questioning room with two FBI agents. One normal, more senior guy and another a bit geeky and scrawny guy. The convict calculated that the guards won't be able to come open the door for 17 minutes and he is indirectly threatening to kill them. The senior guy tells him he is not afraid of him because he's not weak like his victims and proceeds taking off his jacket and tie while the scrawny guy is freaking out and trying to hide behind something inconspicuously. (Funny..) And then suddenly the scrawny guy blurts out, do you know why you killed all those people? And he starts rambling theories about mental illness history in murderers' families and violent tendencies etc etc. The murderer is listening intently because he makes sense (because he is very smart =) obviously I like him) and just when he finishes, the door openes and the guards comes in asking if there's anything wrong. And he is very relieved. Haha.. He was quite anxious to get out. =)

If you don't know the show, Criminal Minds is a crime drama where the agents (Behavioral Analysis Unit) solve crimes by profiling, studying what the clues tell about the criminal. Very little gory disgusting stuff that I'm not comfortable with in CSI. Cold Case is another crime drama that I like. The title is kinda obvious. They solve unsolved cases from the past. I like how the switch between past and present.

Ok that's been a really long side note. Heh. Back to watching TV..


Today I went to snow city! =) At first I was very excited that I could make a snowman but anyone who has been there would know that was very foolish of me. The place is so small. I kept thinking there must be somewhere else to go. The snow was too flaky to even make a snowball. (I tried.) Anyway xx had free passes so it didn't matter. Ha.. The only things to do in there was take pictures, or rather, have your pictures taken by the staff there, and go down the snow slope in rubber tubes. The pictures taken by the staff are quite good lah. Quite expensive but that's one of the few ways they can earn money.

Ah, I found a picture on their website.

This, is almost all of the snow chamber, save a little bit of space on the side for a few ice sculptures, swing set, and other stuff for picture taking. But the snowtubing is quite fun lah. The slope is not that short. It's a nice preview to real snow. Ha.. The staff there are friendly.

This is what snowtubing looks like. You take the black swimming-float-like "tubes" and walk up the wooden steps at the side, sit inside the float (butt touching the "snow"), and then go down the slope. It's quite a rush. Heh. BUT. There are different types of tubes there. The perfect round ones, like a donut, and others that are shaped more like teardrops, with a little more cushioning at the triangulated end. The perfect round ones are better. I went down twice on each and both times with the teardrop ones I ended up turning around mid-slide and finishing the slide admiring the view of the top of the slope. I prefer seeing where I'm going, on the perfectly round tubes. Plus, somehow amid all the turning snow got into my jeans. And now I have frostbite on my butt. Or whatever it is that's less serious but still stings nonetheless and leaves red marks. Reminds me of the sunburn I brought back with me from Bintan.


Oh, we passed by the Science Centre.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Towards the end of 2008

I like the new Ch8 drama about AIDS showing now. Finally a local show that has an important message and not just some stupid family screaming matches. Eh, I've never really liked Zoe and I don't really understand why she's so favoured.. Her character is so flat and boring. I doubt it's because of the script. I like most of the rest of the cast except the daughter and Elvin's character seems a little retarded. Ha.. But everybody in the show is commendable for trying to send an important message. *Clapclapclap* I saw part of the trailer where these aunties were scolding Chen Hanwei's AIDS-infected character for being inconsiderate by going to the public pool. Hello? He's not being inconsiderate. You're being ignorant.

2008 has been a horrible, horrible year with all sorts of losses and disasters everywhere. I can't wait for it to be over. I think Obama being elected seems to reinforce my belief that 2009 will be better. Hopefully a gazillion times better. Actually I'm not interested in politics but almost all of the people whose blogs I read support Obama. These are the people I've always shared the same views and sentiments and McCain supporters are the people that I have never agreed with so it's obvious who I'll support.

Finally, I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night, how your father and I and millions of other people across the country helped elect the first African American president. Leta, you are so lucky to have been born in an era where this is possible, in a time where generations have come together to stop the sick cycle of bigotry that has been passed down from fathers to sons, mothers to daughters, where we have finally stood up and said, enough, we are more civilized than all of that. I have never been more proud to be an American than I am today, and when you are old enough to understand the significance of this election, when years from now you ask me where I was when I found out that Barack Obama had won, I'll tell you that while there were millions of people dancing in the streets and gathered at parties, thousands more across the world chanting in impromptu parades, I was sitting on the couch next to your father, our fingers intertwined, the two of us alone with the dogs asleep at our feet. The television was an eruption of noise and chaos, but we sat there quietly absorbing the moment, worried that if we blinked we'd wake up out of a dream.
There have been moments today when I haven't believed it, have worried that I imagined everything. Having grown up in the South I didn't ever think this could happen, not when I and so many of my peers had so much indoctrination to overcome, years of being intentionally and sometimes unintentionally taught by seemingly well-meaning superiors that the color of your skin makes you different. And yet, while this election is a firm rejection of that kind of thinking, it's also about how this man brought so many people together and inspired us by his example to focus not on bickering or hurt feelings or the vast divide of our differences, but on rolling up our sleeves and looking for a way to bridge that chasm. And Leta, I finally feel like we may have the momentum to change and fix so much of what has gone wrong — from economics to the environment, to health care and humanitarian disasters — that instead of leaving your generation with a burden almost impossible to climb, there is hope that we may in fact leave you with a world that is better than the one you were born into. I know I am not alone when I say that my vote in this election was as much for his vision as it was for you and your future.

Dooce's monthly newsletter to her daughter from

Is Obama or the party perfect? No. No candidate is ever perfect. There is no such thing. But I can look past the imperfections much more easily this cycle. I like that Obama taught constitutional law. Especially given the dangerous ground the Bush/Cheney administration has trod.

I’m not going to lie. My main reason for voting Obama/Biden is that I feel like they’ve got what it takes to put aside the name calling and childish part of politics and really move this country forward. My inner ideologist loves the fact that Obama speaks in a calm, educated way and dares to use words like “hope”. We could use some hope about now.

Dooce's husband on blurbomat

I like to think that his being elected symbolises hope too. Hope for a different world. I heard in the news that there were more young voters this year, especially for Obama. In JC our GP teacher showed us a video of some narrow minded white people. This young woman, with a baby and her husband, was saying that white people were the superior species and she thinks her purpose in life was to BREED and populate earth with more pure white people. I think God was mentioned. It is so disgusting that young people are so ignorant and delusional. This kind of people should not be breeding. Dooce once mentioned in her blog that because she lives in a state that is extremely conservative because her (very conservative) family lives there, she hopes her daughter doesn't grow up thinking that only white people existed in this world. Well, with a black president in the very near future, that is going to be quite difficult right? =) The world is changing everyday. How can people be so narrow-minded and stuck in the past? What's so great about being normal and exactly the same as everybody else anyway? BORING.

Found this very cute cartoon:

Death Note: A Different Case. by *SilentReaper on deviantART

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Oh yay Obama won. I actually kinda can't believe he actually won even though I read about how much support he has. I wonder how the über-conservative people are reacting..

After a bilious campaign, McCain was gracious in defeat, and noted that his election was a moment to cherish for African Americans.

"The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly. A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Senator Barack Obama to congratulate him on being elected the next president of the country that we both love," he said.

"Though we fell short, the failure is mine, not yours," he told a crowd of supporters in Phoenix in his home state of Arizona.

One time I saw on the news that one of his supporters, a white old lady, was saying to him how Obama is black and some racist prejudice stuff and McCain looked a little annoyed and took the microphone from her and said Obama was a worthy opponent and that the stuff she said was untrue. Good for him.

I'm very happy also because jn found the soundtrack of Les Choristes and helped me buy. =) Last night I dreamt that it was super expensive though. Like $75. I don't think she would buy if it was that expensive since I had sent her an amazon link that was only USD18/++. Can't wait for her to come back. Ha..

Monday, November 03, 2008


This week's postsecret has one that says, "I always pick up after my dogs...EXCEPT if there's an OBAMA sign in the yard!" Wow, this is the kind of people voting for McCain. Isn't that nice? This is the kind of people who give God a bad name, who are using God's name in vain. The kind of people who use God as an excuse to discriminate and justify their own twisted minds. You want a channel to vent your hate and frustration? Hate smokers. They're the ones killing people around them with second hand smoke. Even drug addicts only harm themselves. Just because smoking doesn't kill immediately doesn't mean it's not harmful and disgusting. What do homosexuals do to you? What people do with themselves, to themselves, are their own business. You want to be high and mighty, go help the poor and handicapped.


There's this application in Facebook called Minekey where people put thoughts and others agree or disagree. The other day the "thought of the day" was
Halloween is Satan's Birthday.
...conveniently heralding the coming of the Antichrist on Nov Sunshine, 3 days ago

4067 voted, 24% agreed, 10 followers

I of course disagree. This guy commented that he disagreed and that he was "sorry that such a stupid question could ever be someone's thought of the day." Ha.. I agree with that.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Eh, not really in a blogging mood but haven't posted anything for a long time. Blogged a little in the other blog *points to the top*.

I only found out on fri evening via the morning jam blog that fri was the last day for Hossan. Damn it. The post was on wed and I was listening on wed. How did I miss that? Shit. I missed Maggie's last day the last time too. Urgh. I'm not really surprised he left though. Most of the talking is done by Joe now, which I don't mind, but since I don't really hear much of Hossan anyway.. I still prefer Hossan and Maggie together. I was trying so hard to remember who was Hossan's partner on air after Maggie left. =P I remember who it was and erm, she was boring. Oh well, at least Hossan read part of my message on radio once. Hohoho..

I saw a cute halloween pumpkin pic but cannot save so can only put link..

This other one was an entry to a pumpkin carving contest. I hope one day I can get to carve pumpkins too. =)

I have this pumpkin shirt actually. They're all sold out now. Mine is a little big because small size was sold out so I got M. But it's only a little bigger so I still like it. I like the reddish orange colour. =) It's a "seasonal" shirt so can't wear it much. Ha..