Friday, November 14, 2008

Cute kitties living downstairs

This morning, or last night, before I went to sleep anyway, I heard some meowing downstairs so I took a look from my balcony. I usually take a look to make sure cats weren't being tortured by some sadistic bastard. I could tell from the meows that at least one was a kitten and I saw a kitten and a bigger cat. I was wondering if I should go down and feed them because maybe they were hungry. After some time they shut up and looked quite still. I was still contemplating going down because kittens are cute. =) But it was 2+am so I wasn't sure if I should. After a while they started stirring and meowing so I went down with cat treats and a plastic bowl of water to see how I can help.

The two kitties that I saw:

Usually kittens are very friendly and even if they are scared, they aren't hostile. This kitten, cute as it may seem, is damn fierce.

Fierce kitten from Ye on Vimeo.

I know it's a tiny thing but I jumped because it was late at night and I was tired and in any case, I don't like to be scratched. My hands were already shaking a little because I was a little hungry too. I have no idea why the kitty is so hostile. Isn't it a little too young to be so contemptuous? Anyway, I thought the bigger kitty was an older "friend" looking out for it because it looks a little too young to be a mother. Or maybe it was a teenage pregnancy. Ha.. But just now I went down to visit them and a lady was there and said she was the mother and there were 5 kittens in the low wall hiding the pipes etc. And I saw the uh feeding mechanism too. That's a really young mother. Oh and my neighbour agreed that the kitten was very fierce too. Ha.. The kitten wasn't around just now. Probably below the aluminium doors with its siblings.

Anyway, I digressed. Last night I put a bit of cat food and the water bowl on the floor and the mommy kitty immediately ate and drank. But the kitten was so scared it ran and hid behind a big pile of rubbish. After a while, mommy kitty pulled the kitten out by its neck with her mouth and brought it back where I was, by the low wall. It was so cute I decided to go back home to get my camera. Ha.. When the mommy established that I wasn't some sadist out to hurt them, she came to me and did the friendly cat stuff. She is very cute. When she was sitting on the low wall thingy, which was about 1.2m, and I was crouching down (trying to persuade the damn kitten not to be so fierce), it reminded me of Puss in boots.

Kitties with problem from Ye on Vimeo.

I guessed that mommy wants kitten up on the wall because it's sheltered from the rain (was drizzling a little). It kept jumping up and then meowing at the kitten. But the kitten was too small to jump that high. I guessed mommy was friendly to me because she wanted me to help. It kept looking at me on the wall. (It's not quite a wall but I don't know what to call it.) The kitten kept scratching the corner of the wall and meowing. It was tired so it dozed off a little but woke up and hissed when I tried to get closer to put it up there.

Eventually, when mommy was down and distracting the kitten, amid all the prancing and the little dance they had going, I finally managed to grab the kitten and dropped it on the wall. Mission accomplished! Finally... I was a little scared that the kitten would scratch me and scream (especially since it's the middle of the night) but I think it just hissed very fiercely and wiggled. It's kind of a blur because I was scared and wanted to just be done with it. I literally just dropped it on the wall because I was afraid it would scratch me the moment its feet touched ground and I couldn't retract in time. Phew. I wasted about an hour trying to help this stupid kitten, trying to convince it that I was trying to help it. I'm glad I did manage to help them. =) At one point when I was crouching, the kitten might have been curious about this "thing" that its mommy was circling and it walked around, under, etc. me. So cute. But I didn't dare touch it until it was a little bit away from me, in case the stupid fierce kitten bites me or something. But it just ran away when I patted its head.

Kitty problem solved from Ye on Vimeo.

I'm so glad it didn't hiss at me anymore. I think the video is too dark here for you to see the kitten. It was poking its head and paw into the water bowl. Very cute. =) When everything was on the ground it did the same thing too. So cute!

...several hours later...

Just now I saw from my balconythe lady from just now visiting the cats again and she brought her son to take pictures. Copy me. Ha.. I went down again when I saw kittens. =) There were quite a lot of them! They were all on top of each other so I couldn't really count. Maybe 4. They were a little fierce too and obviously scared. But still cute. Luckily it only started to rain when they decided they were too scared and went back under with the pipes.

I can see from the balcony now that the kittens are with mommy. Probably feeding. But they were eating the cat food my nice neighbour gave them so I'm sure they won't be hungry. Glad I don't need to buy cat food since she feeds them. Heh. Oh yah somebody poured away the water in the bowl I brought down last night and put it so far back that I couldn't reach them so I had to bring another bowl down. At least one kitten seemed to like playing with the empty bowl. The video is a little short because they seemed scared of the camera and moving away so I'd rather see more of them and have less proof..

Kittens from Ye on Vimeo.

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