Saturday, November 15, 2008

Kitty update

The cat is meowing away. =( Some idiots took her kittens. Just now I saw some people down there and the cats were making a din. A guy opened a door and was inside the pipes. I just thought they were playing with them and they were scared so meowed a lot. I saw a kitten run one way and the mother the other. After some time I heard the cat meowing again and the people weren't there. I thought maybe the kitten that ran away was missing so I went down to maybe help find it. The cat hissed at me. Must be because of the people earlier. There was still a kitten there, meowing away like mommy. The cat jumped up the wall to protect the lone kitten left. The little square door that the cat used to go down was closed so I opened it. The cat was walking around and meowing for her kittens. She kept looking into the hole to the pipes and even went in and walked around, meowing. So sad. I saw her walk around the area, peering under rubbish. Reminded me of the first night when she pulled out the kitten from behind bags of garbage.

I walked around the blocks but couldn't find any kitten so I went back to the cat. The lady neighbour I saw yesterday afternoon was there with her son. She fed her canned cat food. She said some "maria"s took the kittens because they said they have cats at home. She also said maybe they just took them to play with and would take them back. Well, they still haven't. I hope the kittens bite and scratch the bastard kidnappers. The kittens still need their mother's milk loh. And now she's going to meow all night. Just now she was circling me, like the last time she needed my help. Unfortunately I can't help her.. I think she went further away to look for her kittens. So sad. Those assholes better return the kittens.

This afternoon I went down with another water bowl and saw the guy from last night again. Just passed by and was surprised he recognised me because I was wearing spectacles. In the evening I went down again to feed the cat wet cat food that I bought in the afternoon. A little girl came and asked me, jiejie is that your cat. Quite cute. Talked to her a little. A man saw me feeding too and thanked me. I had no idea what to reply..

It's quiet now. Maybe the cat isn't back from her search yet. Reminds me of when I was working at Aloha resorts and somebody found some kittens. A colleague likes cats so she got them to put the box of kittens in our office. =) They were so cute. But they were weak because they can't find their mommy so hadn't been fed for a while and just slept a lot. Maybe that's why they weren't aggressive? That day I was told to go to some resorts to check that everything was ok. In one resort I either heard a noise or saw a shadow so I went to check it out. I saw a cat lying under a table who stared at me and meowed. I went back and said I saw a cat and somebody said they found the kittens in that resort so they asked some guys to help bring the box of kittens there. The cat and kittens were very excited when they saw each other. The kittens were starving. Yay I saved the kittens. After that we brought all of them back outside our office. My friend and I went back to office the next day, which was Saturday, just to play with the kittens. Heh. Usually only one person works in the office on Sat and she said it was ok. =)

My camera wasn't that good and they were moving a lot..

Aloha kitties from Ye on Vimeo.

Aloha kittens from Ye on Vimeo.

more aloha.. from Ye on Vimeo.

Sigh, the cat is meowing a lot. So poor thing. I see her go around the block a few times le. Even when it's quiet her meowing still rings in my head.. I want to go down to console the cat but don't know how. Just now the lady said cannot mix old and new cats together because they will fight. The kittens are so fierce I wonder how they caught them in the first place. I saw one of the girls sitting on the curb. Maybe she got bitten. Serves her right! I hope the kittens are returned soon or mommy gets over it soon..

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