Saturday, November 15, 2008

Latest neighbourhood attraction

When I was coming home at 10+ just now I saw a guy crouching at the low wall area stroking the mommy cat and I also immediately saw a kitten at the corner meowing away. The guy looked friendly enough and I was dreading trying to put the kitten back up again (and I badly needed to pee) so I asked him if he was afraid of cats and if he could put the kitten back up. I don't think it was the same kitten but it does the exact same thing - hiss and bare its tiny sharp fangs. (I'm getting annoyed with that...) He realised the kitten was very fierce too and pointed out the necessity of stroking the cat first before attempting to approach the kitten.

Why in the world are the kittens so fierce??

After attempting to get the cat to lure the kitten nearer, (I think he was waiting for his girlfriend) he went aside to make a call. Meanwhile I saw a young family approaching, going aw, there are kittens! Since they were friendly I asked them if they dared to touch cats. Heh. They soon realised the kitten was insanely fierce so the guy didn't dare touch it too. They were commenting on how cute the cat and kittens were (the rest of the kittens were still up there in the corner) and then they were saying where's the mother or something. I thought they saw another cat and thought it might be the mother so I said this, the cat at my feet, was the mother and then I saw an older woman pushing a pram with a kid towards them and quickly realised they were talking about their own mother. So paiseh. Shit. At least I very quickly realised my own mistake and pointed it out. Eh so then we hovered for a very long time, half gushing at how cute the cat and kittens were and half wondering how to move the kitten without being bitten. In the end the young mother offered her cardigan for her husband to safely grab the kitten. Actually he was saying before that that he would be able to grab it if he had a towel. I probably should have gone up and taken a towel. Oops. That was stupid of me. The older mother disapproved of using her cardigan but she wasn't really the mean kind of old lady so I don't think she was very angry. I hope. =P

So far no kittens fell off again. I did see other people standing there looking at the cat/kittens. Oh a strange old man dropped off a cooked chicken's head or something when the guy and I were there and one of the kittens was rather enjoying it.. But the place kinda stinks. The young father said the kittens did their business in there since they can't come down. At first they were saying the mother cat would be able to get the kitten up herself but I said the kitten was too heavy for the cat. She had problem just moving it on ground level. I wonder if I had left first would they still help the kitty? Probably? They seem very nice. I did learn that using towel is a good way to pick up the kitten. It kinda calmed it down for a moment.. Next time I bring towel down. I wonder who's going to clean their business in the pipes and how... Oh yah one of the plastic bowls are gone. Wonder if it dropped in..

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