Tuesday, November 11, 2008

On a side note

I was on Fb and saw this banner ad about a decade of Christina Aguilera's music or something. My first reaction was, got 10 years already meh? And to my horror, yes it's been 10 years since my secondary days. Because that's how I remember her. My friends in secondary school liked her and we would MTV's (Christina Aguilera, N-Sync, etc.) at Chris's place.

Yesterday on the Amazing Race, they had to go into this Indinan celebration where they threw around coloured powder and water so everybody was more or less colourful. Tina ended up with green hair and because she cleaned her face, she looked a little more pale and white. I thought she looked a lot like Joker. =)

A very exciting scene was just on Criminal Minds. This convicted violent murderer is in the questioning room with two FBI agents. One normal, more senior guy and another a bit geeky and scrawny guy. The convict calculated that the guards won't be able to come open the door for 17 minutes and he is indirectly threatening to kill them. The senior guy tells him he is not afraid of him because he's not weak like his victims and proceeds taking off his jacket and tie while the scrawny guy is freaking out and trying to hide behind something inconspicuously. (Funny..) And then suddenly the scrawny guy blurts out, do you know why you killed all those people? And he starts rambling theories about mental illness history in murderers' families and violent tendencies etc etc. The murderer is listening intently because he makes sense (because he is very smart =) obviously I like him) and just when he finishes, the door openes and the guards comes in asking if there's anything wrong. And he is very relieved. Haha.. He was quite anxious to get out. =)

If you don't know the show, Criminal Minds is a crime drama where the agents (Behavioral Analysis Unit) solve crimes by profiling, studying what the clues tell about the criminal. Very little gory disgusting stuff that I'm not comfortable with in CSI. Cold Case is another crime drama that I like. The title is kinda obvious. They solve unsolved cases from the past. I like how the switch between past and present.

Ok that's been a really long side note. Heh. Back to watching TV..

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