Sunday, November 16, 2008

Good morning kitties

I was woken up this morning by meowing.. I looked out and the son of the lady neighbour was there stroking the cat. He's quite sweet. Yesterday he said he wanted to keep the cat but his mother said no. He also said the cat was crying.

I went down to feed them and the cat was meowing for more food so I'm not sure if all her meowing today was for her kittens. Maybe she gave up already? I'm sure she's tired and hungry from looking for her kittens all night. But the cat and kitten were meowing a lot after the packet of wet cat food was finished so I came up to get more food. When I went back down there was a boy on the wall looking at the kitten in the hole. I thought he was talking to me so I said something. He was talking to his little sister behind. Anyway he asked whose cat it was and then asked me who made the cat pregnant. Ha.. How would I know? Anyway the cat was lying there comfortably and wasn't pestering me for food. I went to buy more cat food. She was eating more than I expected, especially since the lady neighbour feeds them too. When I went back, two other kids were up there so I just stayed a little while and left because she didn't seem hungry and had company. I think they'll have a lot of company since it's the weekend and school holidays and they're so cute.

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