Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's time for...

...another kitty update! Ha.. Still feeding the cat(s) but not so much now because I don't want to overfeed her and I'm quite broke. They still meow now and then but I just take it that its mommy and kitten communicating. Last night (or this morning) at 3am they were meowing quite a bit. Don't know if they were hungry or something else. Mommy was walking around on the wall and then she kept jumping up and down the wall. Like she wants to go somewhere (to look for food?) but kitten keeps crying for mommy so she went back. I decided to go down because I'm so kind-hearted. Ha..

Usually when I walk out of the lift lobby to the area mommy cat would meow and come towards me if she's on the ground. I saw her sitting in front of the wall on "defence mode", like she's ready to pounce if attacked. I followed the direction of her intense gaze and saw a stray dog, who upon seeing me bounced away. I was firstly very surprised to see a stray dog because I haven't seen one in a long while. There were a few around when we first moved here because construction was still going on nearby and not many people moved in already. Secondly, I was super relieved that it went away on its own because I don't know if it would attack me if I attempted to chase it away.. It's quite small for a stray dog but still quite big for a dog. Hmm, why aren't there any small stray dogs?

Anyway, the cat and I watched the dog trottle away. After a distance it stopped and looked back, saw me still there and continued going away. Phew. When it was gone the cat came towards me, meowing softly. Don't know if she was being considerate because it was late at night or she was scared.

Then I went to the wall place to put some food for them. The dumb kitten was scared (as usual) and started hissing. When it realised it wasn't fooling me it started crying for mommy. Which is quite loud. Being in an enclosed place the meows might have been amplified. I didn't want to disturb the neighbours so I tried to hurry and also try to get the cat to jump up to get the food. The cat always follow me around on the ground meowing and standing so close I'm afraid I would accidentally step on her. I always have to try to "tell" her the food is up there so please jump up! It would be easier to put on the ground but I wanted to feed the kitten too. It'll only eat if mommy's eating too. And if nobody is near. The other day I put the food there and went to throw away the packaging and when I went back the kitten froze and stared at me with its big terrified eyes. I quickly went away. Well at least it didn't scamper away. Yesterday I watched at a far far distance. Kitten so cute.

I took a picture of the kitten the other afternoon. It was sleeping on the pipe directly under the hole. It wanted some light I supposed. I just put my camera over and shot blindly. It hissed at the camera. So fierce!

There's a lot of disgusting rubbish on the ground inside. Yuck. No wonder it stinks so bad. I cropped them out of the picture. It's so not cute like that. I read online that laser pointer is good for playing with cats but I couldn't find a laser pointer so I bought this little projection thing that's like a small torch and projects a picture. Doesn't really work.. They're not interested in it. But the other evening I saw the kitten on the pipe under the hole staring at the wall and I shone it on the wall. The kitten got such a fright it fell off the pipe. Haha.. It was so funny. Ok that's a bit evil but it was still funny. How would I know it would be so scared?

I think the kitten comes out more now. Just now I saw from my balcony the kitten was trying to play with mommy's tail. But mommy was just lying there. Sleepy? I would gladly entertain the kitten if only it wasn't so scared of people. Stupid kitten..

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