Monday, November 03, 2008


This week's postsecret has one that says, "I always pick up after my dogs...EXCEPT if there's an OBAMA sign in the yard!" Wow, this is the kind of people voting for McCain. Isn't that nice? This is the kind of people who give God a bad name, who are using God's name in vain. The kind of people who use God as an excuse to discriminate and justify their own twisted minds. You want a channel to vent your hate and frustration? Hate smokers. They're the ones killing people around them with second hand smoke. Even drug addicts only harm themselves. Just because smoking doesn't kill immediately doesn't mean it's not harmful and disgusting. What do homosexuals do to you? What people do with themselves, to themselves, are their own business. You want to be high and mighty, go help the poor and handicapped.

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