Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sweet poem spotted

Saw this really sweet poem in a blog. The backstory is that the "chicken" and the "bee" used to go out but split up amicably. He had previously written a poem of her as a bee.

To my gorgeous beary chicken:

There once was a chicken who lived in a shoe
And he simply didn't know what to do
One grey cloudy day he felt really glum
Cos a girl chicken stopped him from touching her bum
So phoned up his friend, a small stripey bee
And said "Dudely dude! I'm sad! Woe is me!"
The bee said "Now, don't you worry my dear,
Dry your tears and don't cry, never worry, I'm here!
For soon the girl chicken will just leave your mind
And you'll be touching lots of other behinds!"
The chicken still wailed, banging fists on the floor
So the bee said quite sharply "Come on now! No more!"
She went to his shoe and rang on the bell
The chicken, he answered but he just looked like hell.
She took her bee arms with their stripes down the side
She stepped a bit closer and opened them wide
The chicken came in for a big squeezy hug
And was happy that he had stayed friends with this bug
He realised that one day he'd be smiley again
But come rain or shine, the bee'd still be his friend.

Love your friend

The bee.


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