Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Today I went to snow city! =) At first I was very excited that I could make a snowman but anyone who has been there would know that was very foolish of me. The place is so small. I kept thinking there must be somewhere else to go. The snow was too flaky to even make a snowball. (I tried.) Anyway xx had free passes so it didn't matter. Ha.. The only things to do in there was take pictures, or rather, have your pictures taken by the staff there, and go down the snow slope in rubber tubes. The pictures taken by the staff are quite good lah. Quite expensive but that's one of the few ways they can earn money.

Ah, I found a picture on their website.

This, is almost all of the snow chamber, save a little bit of space on the side for a few ice sculptures, swing set, and other stuff for picture taking. But the snowtubing is quite fun lah. The slope is not that short. It's a nice preview to real snow. Ha.. The staff there are friendly.

This is what snowtubing looks like. You take the black swimming-float-like "tubes" and walk up the wooden steps at the side, sit inside the float (butt touching the "snow"), and then go down the slope. It's quite a rush. Heh. BUT. There are different types of tubes there. The perfect round ones, like a donut, and others that are shaped more like teardrops, with a little more cushioning at the triangulated end. The perfect round ones are better. I went down twice on each and both times with the teardrop ones I ended up turning around mid-slide and finishing the slide admiring the view of the top of the slope. I prefer seeing where I'm going, on the perfectly round tubes. Plus, somehow amid all the turning snow got into my jeans. And now I have frostbite on my butt. Or whatever it is that's less serious but still stings nonetheless and leaves red marks. Reminds me of the sunburn I brought back with me from Bintan.


Oh, we passed by the Science Centre.

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