Sunday, November 16, 2008

I played with the kitten!

Well, sort of.

View from my balcony:

I went down in the evening to feed the cats and the kitten was on a pipe directly under the hole and wouldn't come up. I fed the mommy but she couldn't bite a big chunk to bring to the kitten because the food wasn't solid enough. So she just eat eagerly, ignoring her kitten's cries. I was shocked at her indifference. Ha.. Anyway the cat kept meowing for more food but I wanted to wait for the kitten to come up so I can feed the kitten too. I guessed the kitten was crying for food? The kitten wouldn't come up and mommy kept eating all the food. I had used the lid of a plastic bowl to put the cat food so I just reached as far down the hole as I could with the lid for the kitten to lick. At first the kitten was scared and just stared but eventually it was seduced by the smell and licked it. So cute! The second time I reached down it forgot what it was supposed to do and just stared at me. Adorable big black eyes. =) I used the lid to block its view and it shifted its stare to the lid. It stared for a long time so I started moving the lid around and its gaze just didn't leave the lid. I made it turn its cute little head round and round and left and right. Heh. So fun. Couldn't get it to eat much so mommy ate most of the food.

At night I went down to visit them again. =) In the evening the cat kept scratching on the metal doors so I took one of the numerous annual reports at home still in the thick envelope so see if the cat would scratch that. I took a book down, intending to just sit there and accompany the cat. I was bored too anyway and it is a breezy night. I was delighted to see the kitten out of the hole. =) The cat seemed happy to see me so I was stroking and playing with her and then she almost bit me. I think she wanted to eat? My hands must smell like the cat food. I think it still smells a little fishy.. Anyway she opened her mouth and I could feel her teeth. Luckily I pulled my hand away quickly and her teeth weren't sharp. She wasn't aggressive either. No harm done.

The lady neighbour came by with an extra son. Ha.. She had another older boy. She remarked that the cat ate too much and was bloated. Oops. But she was asking for food... But I knew that I did feed more than what was recommended on the food packet. Maybe mothers need to eat more? She did bring some to the kitten.. Anyway the younger son was too friendly and the kitten ran down again. He wants to touch the kitten but I don't think anyone would be able to. Chatted with them a little.

After they left I sat on the curb to read while the cat kept walking around me. I think she wanted a good scratch on some edges. Somehow I realised she really enjoyed scratching her chin and neck on my book so I just held it for her to scratch away. That's quite funny. Ha.. After a while the cat started wandering around, like she was looking for something. I just let her walk around while I read since she wasn't making noise and she ate too much.. She was very funny. There was so much space around but she always stepped over my feet. Eventually I guessed she was looking for her kitten because it was out of sight and silent. Maybe she realised from last night that meowing was futile so she was quiet. (Am so glad she got over the loss of her kittens already.) I think she didn't know her kitten was inside so I tried to guide her back there and made some noise to wake the kitten so it would make some noise but it didn't work. I went back reading and eventually the cat went down and found her kitten. And after a while the kitten came out too! Hurrah!

I wanted to feed the kitten but the mommy kept eating the food. Glutton. Ha.. I think she really likes the wet cat food because she now ignores the cat treats. She needs to be hydrated anyway. I had to put a little food on one end to distract the mommy and then put food at the kitten's end, taking care not to scare the kitten away. Then I stood further away to watch them because the kitten is so scared of people. Yay the kitten ate my food. When it had enough mommy finished it and meowed for more. Do cats overeat? I always thought they know better..

I just stood there for very long watching them. It was too dark to take video and the pictures are quite dark too.

Note the little tongue..

Can't get any of the kitten because it's too far back. I could see it very clearly though. It was so cute, chasing its own tail. Heh. It would crawl gingerly towards the other side but would scurry back quickly when it sees me. And then play with the bowl of water in the corner. So cute! I think I stood there so long it got curious about me. It stood half hiding behind the pipe looking at me. Eyes wide wide. So cute. Like this:

I think it's the same kitten. After a long, long while, I went to sit at the curb and the kitten came out nearer to the edge to look at me. Aww.. Mommy also woke up and meowed. For food.. Greedy kitty. When I left she leapt down and followed me a bit and then sat there watching me. So cute. I want to bring them home but I wouldn't know how to take care of them. I think they're used to being outdoors anyway. Hope will see them around for a long long time.

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