Thursday, November 06, 2008

Towards the end of 2008

I like the new Ch8 drama about AIDS showing now. Finally a local show that has an important message and not just some stupid family screaming matches. Eh, I've never really liked Zoe and I don't really understand why she's so favoured.. Her character is so flat and boring. I doubt it's because of the script. I like most of the rest of the cast except the daughter and Elvin's character seems a little retarded. Ha.. But everybody in the show is commendable for trying to send an important message. *Clapclapclap* I saw part of the trailer where these aunties were scolding Chen Hanwei's AIDS-infected character for being inconsiderate by going to the public pool. Hello? He's not being inconsiderate. You're being ignorant.

2008 has been a horrible, horrible year with all sorts of losses and disasters everywhere. I can't wait for it to be over. I think Obama being elected seems to reinforce my belief that 2009 will be better. Hopefully a gazillion times better. Actually I'm not interested in politics but almost all of the people whose blogs I read support Obama. These are the people I've always shared the same views and sentiments and McCain supporters are the people that I have never agreed with so it's obvious who I'll support.

Finally, I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night, how your father and I and millions of other people across the country helped elect the first African American president. Leta, you are so lucky to have been born in an era where this is possible, in a time where generations have come together to stop the sick cycle of bigotry that has been passed down from fathers to sons, mothers to daughters, where we have finally stood up and said, enough, we are more civilized than all of that. I have never been more proud to be an American than I am today, and when you are old enough to understand the significance of this election, when years from now you ask me where I was when I found out that Barack Obama had won, I'll tell you that while there were millions of people dancing in the streets and gathered at parties, thousands more across the world chanting in impromptu parades, I was sitting on the couch next to your father, our fingers intertwined, the two of us alone with the dogs asleep at our feet. The television was an eruption of noise and chaos, but we sat there quietly absorbing the moment, worried that if we blinked we'd wake up out of a dream.
There have been moments today when I haven't believed it, have worried that I imagined everything. Having grown up in the South I didn't ever think this could happen, not when I and so many of my peers had so much indoctrination to overcome, years of being intentionally and sometimes unintentionally taught by seemingly well-meaning superiors that the color of your skin makes you different. And yet, while this election is a firm rejection of that kind of thinking, it's also about how this man brought so many people together and inspired us by his example to focus not on bickering or hurt feelings or the vast divide of our differences, but on rolling up our sleeves and looking for a way to bridge that chasm. And Leta, I finally feel like we may have the momentum to change and fix so much of what has gone wrong — from economics to the environment, to health care and humanitarian disasters — that instead of leaving your generation with a burden almost impossible to climb, there is hope that we may in fact leave you with a world that is better than the one you were born into. I know I am not alone when I say that my vote in this election was as much for his vision as it was for you and your future.

Dooce's monthly newsletter to her daughter from

Is Obama or the party perfect? No. No candidate is ever perfect. There is no such thing. But I can look past the imperfections much more easily this cycle. I like that Obama taught constitutional law. Especially given the dangerous ground the Bush/Cheney administration has trod.

I’m not going to lie. My main reason for voting Obama/Biden is that I feel like they’ve got what it takes to put aside the name calling and childish part of politics and really move this country forward. My inner ideologist loves the fact that Obama speaks in a calm, educated way and dares to use words like “hope”. We could use some hope about now.

Dooce's husband on blurbomat

I like to think that his being elected symbolises hope too. Hope for a different world. I heard in the news that there were more young voters this year, especially for Obama. In JC our GP teacher showed us a video of some narrow minded white people. This young woman, with a baby and her husband, was saying that white people were the superior species and she thinks her purpose in life was to BREED and populate earth with more pure white people. I think God was mentioned. It is so disgusting that young people are so ignorant and delusional. This kind of people should not be breeding. Dooce once mentioned in her blog that because she lives in a state that is extremely conservative because her (very conservative) family lives there, she hopes her daughter doesn't grow up thinking that only white people existed in this world. Well, with a black president in the very near future, that is going to be quite difficult right? =) The world is changing everyday. How can people be so narrow-minded and stuck in the past? What's so great about being normal and exactly the same as everybody else anyway? BORING.

Found this very cute cartoon:

Death Note: A Different Case. by *SilentReaper on deviantART

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