Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas you filthy animal(s)

and a Happy New Year.

Bleah, christmas is ruined because Chappers is leaving Radio 1! It was announced on their christmas eve show and I only found out after I got home and logged on to fb last night. I've only just started listening to the show this July but I really like his grumpiness. Because I like to scold people and be miserable myself. Ha.. Ahh I'm so sad! He's been on Radio 1 for 10.5 years but I've only heard him for half a year! Boo... He's moving on to better things that he loves so at least he's happy.

Here's a toast to new beginnings in 2010. Good luck to Chappers, and everybody else.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Brain on X'mas break

After a long weekend (took 2 days off), I woke up super late for work. When I got to the bus stop I realised I forgot to bring my ezlink card. Went back to get it. Might as well make it an hour late. Yes.. When I got to work I realised I forgot my wallet. Yes... And in my wallet is my access card for getting into the office. I could ring the bell and wait for somebody to open the door but I felt bad when I want to go to the loo because somebody has to open the door for me again. And I had to borrow some money for lunch. Sigh... Oh well. Things could be worse.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Countdown to Christmas

I've been wanting to listen to Christmas songs since late September. Ha.. ScottMills on Radio1 kept teasing with snippets of Christmas songs because co-host Chappersthegrinch wouldn't let him play. =P

I just started playing Christmas songs. I thought it would make me happy because I like the Christmasy atmosphere but the oldies and instrumental ones just made me miss playing Christmas songs in my school bands.. Boo.. Sad.

Hopefully by this Christmas I will get what I want and it would be a happy one.

26 days to Christmas

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Alarm clocks from hell

Our Puzzle Alarm Clock is reminiscent of the popular 1970s IQ test games which required you to put different shaped pieces into their matching holes. When the alarm goes off, the pieces go flying! Quickly assemble the puzzle by matching the colors and shapes to turn the alarm off.

Our Puzzle Alarm Clock will continue to sound until all three pieces are put back into their matching holes ensuring that your butt is awake and will not fall back asleep!

Requires 3 AA batteries (not included.) Measures 7" wide x 6" deep.

The Laser Target alarm clock is designed to get your eyes open in the morning! When the alarm sounds, spring into action by shooting the bulls eye with your laser! When you finally hit the target, the alarm will turn off and you will be wide awake to start your day.

The laser gun requires 3 LR44 batteries (included) and the clock requires 3 AA batteries (not included.)

The Laser Target Alarm Clock measures 4" wide by 7" tall.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A rather friendly recruiter

This afternoon I received a call (yet another) from a recruiter for one of the many, many financial institutions here. Usually they make their pitch, ask if I'm interested in an interview, whether I currently have a job, etc. I was in a good mood because I was having a "mandatory break" (ha) and I was in a room all by myself. I must have sounded a lot less annoyed than the other people he had to call because he asked where/what my job was and said I sound happy with it. I just went, uh..laughed and gave a patronising "yes". I'm not extremely disgruntled but it's not the best job in the world.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

1 for me, 0 for the hag

This morning I was running a little late for work but I needed to buy breakfast at this little shop at the MRT station. I already knew what I wanted so I had the exact amount in my hands. A little dismayed at seeing a few people in the shop already. It's a really small place so 4 people is enough to make it crowded.

There was an old auntie, all vain and dressed up, holding some food and looking at the other stuff. I observed for a second and figured she's probably been looking at it for some time and won't be done soon. So I said "excuse me", because unlike her, my mind was made up and I just needed a second to grab the item and pay up. This bitch didn't budge and totally ignored me so I just reached over to take it. Upon which she turned around to join the queue because she didn't want me to pay before her. Which is flipping irritating enough because I would take less than FIVE SECONDS to drop the coins into the shop-owner's hands. The shop-owner is a very nice man and understands that many people are rushing to catch the train so usually is very quick. This stupid old hag had more things than me, did not have the exact change, obviously wasn't in a hurry, and yet didn't want to let me have that few seconds. How considerate. Stupid woman, you are the reason why we don't have a gracious society here.

And that's not the end. She's not obliged to help me in any way. I understand that. That's fine. That last paragraph didn't sound like I was fine with it. Ha.. But it was okay still.

So I stood behind her to wait to pay and this girl came in and wanted to buy some food. (Of course.) It's a small shop so she said "excuse me" so she can reach the food. I stepped aside BECAUSE I'M CONSIDERATE LIKE THAT. That ignorant hag thought I was trying to get closer to the shop-owner to pay before her. As if I'm as rude as her. She muttered in mandarin, "some people are so like that." "有些人就是这样" Complete with a disgusted tsk look on her face, like she's a bully victim! I'm so NOT going to let that slide. FYI, my normal voice isn't loud at all so I wasn't screaming at her. I said that girl said excuse me so I was giving her way, OK? “她说excuse me, 我是在让位 OK?" In a very irritated tone that propably suggested 白痴 at the end. I should have added "unlike YOU" because she completely ignored me when I said excuse me. She just kept quiet and kept her eyes in front. She might have looked slightly scared. Ha.. I think the shop-owner was a bit scared actually. Haha.. When he handed her her change he accidentally dropped a coin. I just gave him my money, checked that he checked the amount and left, before he could help her pick it up. HA!

Can I just clarify that I respect the elderly. I always give up my seat for the elderly and give them a smile. If they are smoking, I do not diao them like I do for smokers of other ages. But to me, elderly is really old. Old hags do not count. Chee ko pehs also do not count. This old hag looked like she thinks she's very posh, judging by the way she acted and dressed. I cannot stand this kind of delusional people.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thank You for Smoking

Because we're having problems of over-population? Ok, not very sure about that but I think less people in the world would be better. Especially no smokers to pollute our air.

Haven't seen the movie, just started reading the book. I wonder if smokers read/watch it. I've only just read the prologue, not very sure I know what the book is about.

"I'm certain that our next ... penalist," ths speaker hesitated, the word just too neutral to describe a man who earned his living by killing 1,200 human beings a day. Twelve hundred people-two jumbo jet planeloads a day of men, women, and children. Yes, innocent children, denied their bright futures, those happy moments of scoring the winning touchdowns, of high school and college graduations, marriage, parenthood, professional fulfillment, breakthroughs in engineering, medicine, economics, who knows how many Nobel Prize winners? Lambs, slaughtered by Nicholas Naylor and the tobacco industry fiends he so slickly represented. More than 400,000 a year! And approaching the half-million mark. Genocide, that's what it was, enough to make you weep, if you had a heart, the thought of somany of these ... victims, their lives stubbed out upon the ashtray of corporate greed by this tall, trim, nicely tailored forty-year-old yuppie executioner ...

The book was written in 1994, and the numbers only refer to Americans. I hate smokers, and I especially hate smokers who are parents and smoke with their children by their sides. 1,200 people, according to the book, die a day, including children. These are not children who smoke. They are killed by second-hand smoke. Second-hand smoke from their parents. What kind of parents kill their own children? Hello? If smokers don't care about the people in the street who inhale their second-hand smoke and die, fine. All that tobacco must have affected their brain capabilities if they can't see how selfish they are.

In the prologue, the chief spokesman for the Academy of Tobacco Studies related the story of Muran the Fourth, the Turkish sultan who outlawed smoking and would disguise himself and pretend to have a nicotine fit, begging people to sell him tobacco. If anybody give him something to smoke, Murad would behead him on the spot and leave the body there to rot.

"Myself, I'd like to think that we as a nation have progressed beyond the days of summary executions for the crime of pursuing our own definition of happiness."

Not when your happiness is built on innocent people's misery, you piece of shit. Murad should have executed people who smoke and not people who possessed tobacco. Although, drug traffickers should be punished more harshly than drug abusers. But you can't really compare drugs with tobacco because drugs don't harm innocent bystanders. If smokers only smoke in enclosed spaces, I really don't care if they want to kill themselves. I am entirely not against suicide. My problem is only with selfish bastards.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I've been using a very small laptop, with a small mouse, at work. I think it's a netbook but they tell me it's a laptop. Ahem. Anyway, when I use my laptop now it feels bigger. A little not used to my normal sized mouse. Ha.. They put me in a room by myself so I don't interact much with my colleagues. I'm just glad I haven't had to have lunch alone yet. Ha.. I don't really mind eating alone anyway. Still have some podcasts to listen to.

Oh, don't be mistaken that it's like I have my own office because people go in and out of the room I'm in. But I like the privacy. Would be better if the netbook I'm using isn't slower than a snail. I tried playing songs on it and they were played in slower speed. Oh well.

Have been surviving on about 6 hours of sleep everyday now and today I feel the least dead. Ha.. I was quite dazed on the first day. Ok, TV beckons!

Monday, November 09, 2009


To make the most of my last free week day for a long time, I went to watch This Is It again. =P I watched the non-digital one yesterday so I wanted to watch the digital one today. =) I sat closer to the screen, right in the middle of the row. I think I could have gone one row lower. There weren't anybody beyond my row so no heads blcking my view and the view was much bigger because I was sat further back yesterday. Why do people always choose the last row? Bigger screen is so awesome! Everything is clearer and bigger and more amazing. Ha.. There weren't people sitting directly beside me but there was a family one seat away on my right. The auntie sitting closest to me was obviously not interested because I could see the light from her phone from the corner of my eye, which would be really annoying if she was sitting right beside me. The point of going to the cinema is to have the only lights coming from the big screen in front of me. Any other light is disturbing and annoying. People are so insensitive. Can you hide your phone in your bag at least?

My favourite dancer is still the blonde. Hehheh.

Oh, nobody stayed for the bit after the credits so I was the only one left. I felt like I booked the whole theatre. Awesome. Ha.. But the cleaners came in very early to clean up. I just ignored them and pretended to be engrossed in my phone.

Sigh. So not looking forward to waking before the first light...

MJ's concert would have been Amazing

I love the toaster bit. Looks so fun! I know I'm extremely impressionable. I feel like learning dancing after watching This Is It. The dancers all look rather hot. Ha.. I've always wanted to learn tap dancing but unfortunately I think my legs are quite retarded. Electric guitar looks so awesome too. Urgh..

...Would they have put in all these rehearsal clips in his concert DVD...? They must have planned to right? Otherwise they wouldn't have filmed it. I don't want to say why I want this to be true. I'd rather he still be alive.

Oh I'm quite jealous of the dancers because they get to interact with him onstage and can watch his performance from below the stage when they're not needed up there. To be able to see him do his magic almost everyday. Wow. Ok probably not everyday. Oh the part where the choreographer was teaching the dancers the famous MJ c-thrusting move was really funny. Ha.. The choreographer was a girl and the dancers are mostly male.

I kept expecting the audience in the cinema to clap because the people in the film were clapping and cheering after he finished a song. People here are so dull. =P And almost nobody stayed after the credits. Fans should stay till after the long credits because there's a little bit at the end. But it's really a little bit so not everybody would be interested to sit through so much credits for it...

I like the MJJ Productions little clip at the very end. Bling blings dropping from his sequinned socks. Can't find it on youtube..

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Omg I want this

This is the
HOLIDAY KITTY TALKING BABBLE BALL. It's like a little ball that talks to pets when they interact with it. Actually you have to shake it for it to talk. I bought the regular one for cats and this is the Holiday version that says festive stuff like BAH HAMBUG! I want! Combines Christmas and cats. I love it. Christmas is coming! The onslaught of rain recently is really bringing the Christmas spirit. Even though I don't really celebrate it I still really like the Christmasy atmosphere. ScottMills on Radio 1 has started playing Christmas songs. Woohoo!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Okto is now showing a documentary about this indian girl who cries blood. If that ever happens to me I think I'll cry even more and then there'll be more blood. Omg, Nightmare. Thank goodness they're talking about finding out why this is happening and they are going temples and pilgrimages etc, i.e. no more blood scenes. Otherwise I wouldn't want to watch it anymore. I don't even want to think about it.

Oh god, blood on her face. Switching channels. Still need to take out my contact lenses later.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Unfortunate Names

Just saw this article about a guy whose name is Harry Potter and he's the same age as Daniel Radcliffe too.

Mr Potter said: 'When I got my job in the bank, they couldn't believe that I was telling the truth on my application form.
'I'm the only person in the building who doesn't have to use my full name when I'm talking on the phone.

'Beginning a phone conversation with the mention of my name is never a good start - it distracts people too much.'

Read more:

I think the best part in this article is this comment below the article:

You're not going to get any sympathy from me, imagine my dismay when my mum married my new French step dad Antoine Le Froge
- Kermit, NY, 22/10/2009 09:28

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Horror

I just found a strand of white hair while running through to untangle and then checking that there were no more tangles. Lo and behold. I pulled it out and it is white all the way through. And my hair is quite long too. ARGH. Ooolddd.... *Cue the scene from Freaky Friday where Jamie Lee Curtis looked in the mirror after mother and daughter switched bodies.

My third ever strand of white hair. I know it's not a lot but I am still quite horrified. White all the way through. Who knows how many there are in there. Not any that I can see.

While looking for that picture I found this:

Wow. Ha.. Reminds me that I'm interested in what's in their history textbooks.

Anyway, I've said before that I want to only colour my hair after I get white hair because I want to show off the fact that I have none. Still present tense because I pulled it out already. And I didn't quite mean one miserable strand. But there isn't any colour that I want and am able to put on my hair for more than a couple weeks. Few months at least please. I do like it black though. I think I'm one of the very few people around who has never done anything to their hair. No rebonding, no perm, no dye, no highlight. I could sell my hair! I heard an ad on an online classified thing wanting to buy hair but the criteria was that the hair had to be not tainted by anything. Since mine is long, I can sell for even more money. Kaching! The bottom part would have to be wasted since there're so many knots. I don't mind cutting them off because I'm quite annoyed with the tangles.

Anybody wants to buy hair?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Aw, so sweet..

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


-----Email Message-----

Yesterday, I was in Borders Bookstore on Powell Street in San Francisco, with 3 of my very close friends. I was casually flipping through a PostSecret book reading some of the moving and inspirational secrets, then I found it. A secret someone had added at the bookstore:

You shouldn't give up.
Fight for yourself and
who you are. You've got
to go through the worst
times in life to get the best

When I read it out loud to all my friends I got really teary eyed. This was needed in my life, right about now and all of a sudden I feel better.

Monday, October 12, 2009

SOoooooooooo bored.

Been sitting in front of the computer the whole day trying to translate this old Chinese book while getting well distracted by the internet. Bleah. Wish I could get something more interesting to do, or at least something more interesting to translate than this disintegrating book. Just trying to earn a little bit of money while finishing my course and looking for a new job.. Well, grateful to have something this flexible lah. Can I just skip forward two months? That's just a random time frame. Don't ask me what I'm expecting in two months. I'm so bored I want to smash things. My PSP beckons... Urgh.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

I am loving the internet today

After a few days of digging through my stuff, I finally found an old program that I needed to use. Yay, but when I tried to install and run it, it tells me it's not compatible with Vista. Great. When I searched online for solutions, I either didn't understand or the people were saying that a purchase of an upgrade was necessary. I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars, thank you. FORTUNATELY, somebody discovered a solution and shared it in a public forum. Thank you! Thank you to all the helpful people in the world.

*taken off flickr

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Flash Forward!

Only just watched half of it (commercial now) and I love it. Ha.. I actually gasped aloud when I saw the name "Jack Davenport" as one of the cast. Haha.. When I saw the trailers I was very interested in the guy who was committing suicide before the blackout.

In case you don't know the premise of the show, the whole world blacked out for 2 minutes 17 seconds at the exact same time and had a vision of their own future at a specific time and date - 29 April 2010 approx. 10pm, L.A. time.

- Commercial over. BRB. -

No sign of Jack yet. Wonder if it's the same guy I'm thinking of.. The suicide guy doesn't seem very interesting. He's no longer suicidal because he saw that he was still alive. That's it? Maybe more will be revealed later.

I keep getting goosebumps watching the show. So exciting. Ha.. I like that Asian guy. John Cho? He's probably one of the more successful Asians in Hollywood. And he's acted with NeilPatrickHarris before too. =) Wonder what the babysitter saw, because she's clearly very disturbed.

- Blahblah -

Oo just saw Jack. Actually he was in the trailer, I just didn't recognise him. He looks quite different.. Is this a commercial break or has it ended? There's still 6 minutes to go.. The show is based on a book. Shall not read it and ruin the suspense for myself.. Oh since they showed the credits then it must have ended. Stupid me. Bye!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I had a dream

In the dream itself I actually did question if I was dreaming because it seemed unreal. I looked around and felt that everything seemed real enough. And then I woke up and realise it was a dream after all. Ha.. Just remembered something about the dream. I hope it's not a case of ESP because I don't want it to really happen. It's not a bad thing I just don't want it. Bye!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

F1 in Singapore

Not really a fan but it's great to have them here in our humble little red dot. =)

While looking for a picture, came across this blog about last year's race.

Well the first F1 night race kicked off in style yesterday in Singapore with large crouds and plenty of excitement. Now I'm not a big F1 fan (it's my dad's favourite cure for insomnia though!) but there was something pretty spectacular about seeing the F1 cars under floodlights in the middle of Singapore.

It wasn't just a night race, but a street race as well - with reporters saying it could quickly become the 'new monaco' of the F1 circuit.

Not very sure what that last line means, probably an F1 thing, but I'm sure it's a compliment. Ha..

Ah, wiki says,
The Monaco Grand Prix (French: Grand Prix de Monaco) is a Formula One race held each year on the Circuit de Monaco. Run since 1929, it is widely considered to be one of the most important and prestigious automobile races in the world alongside the Indianapolis 500 and the 24 Hours of Le Mans (with which it forms the Triple Crown of Motorsport). The circuit has been called "an exceptional location of glamour and prestige."[1]

That's nice. Ha.. I find it a little weird to see the bus lane lines on the track though. Aren't the unrelated lines distracting to the drivers?

The only person I have heard of, besides Lewis Hamilton of course, is Jenson Button because he was in something to do with BBC radio 1 so I was kind of rooting for him. Plus, he's quite cute. Haha.. What do you expect from an F1 idiot? Unfortunately when I tuned in he was in position 8 or something and was a little surprised because I thought he was quite good. I hope I didn't jinx him or something because he ended up in the knocked out zone in Q2- #12.

I kept hearing his name but I don't really understand what's happening. =P I have absolutely no idea what goes on in F1. From what I could understand from what the guys on TV are saying, I think it's not the end of him in the race. Could be wrong. No idea.

I LOVE that I keep hearing "Singapore is the first night race". I like to be first. =P And I also liked to hear "Singapore" in the BBC radio news, which had been happening because of news related to F1. =) I like to see the cars going round and round, turning corners etc. Other than the atmosphere live on the grand stand, isn't it better to watch it on the telly because you get views from everywhere rather than just see cars zooming by? I think it would be more exciting if you were supporting a particular team so you look forward to seeing a particular car. Otherwise, somewhere high up where you can see more of the track would be better. Am I supposed to call them karts or cars? The drivers are going to have a lot of mooncakes to eat..


Being very kaypoh and patriotic, I read this msn article about celebrities linked to Singapore. The article was inspired by Chinese actress Vicki Zhao squashing rumours of an impending marriage to a Singaporean businessman, whom she's been dating for 2 years.

Referring to herself as a patriotic woman, Zhao said she loved her country deeply and 'will not get married with a Singaporean' - an less-than-subtle jibe at fellow countrywoman and recent Singapore citizen Gong Li.

Erm, does he know she doesn't intend to EVER marry him? You can still marry a foreigner and still retain your citizenship right? I'm not sure. I feel a little offended because she seems to imply that Singapore is beneath her, which I'm guessing is not her intention but I don't want to change my citizenship ever either. Plus, I think being a Singaporean is much better than..ahem. If you need me to finish that sentence please ask me privately. Ha..

Oriental beauty and acclaimed Chinese actress Gong Li also became a Singapore citizen last year amidst much controversy and accusations of betrayal from China netizens.

Rolling my eyes. Duh. Loads of people change their citizenships. Mind your own business. Why don't you yourself make a name for yourself and then not change your own citizenship? Gong Li has good taste. =)

Speaking of rolling my eyes, that Hong Kong drama on at 9pm has me doing that A LOT. I can't stand how the good people can't see how devious the villians are. I'm sure stupid people exist in the real world, but I can't stand them. (Aha, did you see that quiz that I took on fb? I'm kind, caring, but have low tolerance for stupidity. How accurate is that? Haha..) Anyway, a few weeks ago I read this reader's comment in the papers about Hong Kong dramas despite being like local Chinese dramas, have a lot of fighting in families and being perhaps a little too...I want to say "drama" but I want to use better English...over-dramatic? However, the reader said, Hong Kong dramas also have many sweet moments of family bliss and that's what make Hong Kong drama series more popular than ours. I agree. Just when I really can't stand that stupid woman, tables turn and the good guys get the upper hand. I would prefer the villians to be more likeable though. That's not impossible. Maybe they don't want to confuse the kids watching.

If you don't know about that Hong Kong drama about a rich abalone family, it's mainly about the second wife wanting to get half the man's assets after he dies. Actually I really like the premise of this. The first wife, many years ago, had cancer and wanted this second wife to marry him after she dies to take care of the family. However, she recovered. She didn't want to let the second "wife" down so was willing to let him marry her as the second wife. However, at this time, she was damn unlucky because the government just outlawed polygamy so he couldn't take a second wife. Not sure why she didn't leave at this point but she stayed and bore the guy a son.

Now, she is really bitter that she isn't legally his wife and wants lots of his money as compensation because she thinks she deserves it. She did some bad stuff, got kicked out, first wife's cancer came back and died, and the man just died in today's episode. That's a damn long introduction. Ha.. Are you still reading?

Anyway, second wife's son has a girlfriend whose family has read about his family's scandals in the papers and, misunderstanding, tells him he should not fight for inheritance and should be independent, and something to the effect that mothers are all faultless. Cue major eye roll. Thanks. I just heard recently on BBC that a mother killed her children to hurt her husband. I'm sure there are plenty of fantastic mothers out there who are selfless and love their children etc etc, but ALL mothers are faultless? That's bullshit. There are always exceptions. And there are exceptions to that sentence too.

So anyway, the son felt bad and the mother was telling him to attend a press conference with her to skew the truth a little, otherwise she would disown him. I must add here that he is very close to the good guys and lived with the family even after they kicked his mum out because he's a good boy. At the press conference a reporter asked him to describe his mother and he started saying good things and she looks mighty pleased. But after he started giving anecdotes, she realised he was talking about the first wife and she was furious but couldn't say a thing. Eventually he reveals who he was talking about and everybody got worked up and he said somebody told him "mothers are faultless" and he felt really sad hearing that because his mother was the exception. Aw... So sad for him but you should see that woman's face. Ha.. He also said he wished his real mother was the first wife. At least he did have a good mother even if she wasn't the biological one.

On a side note, didn't realise I missed dooce's blog until I read it after a while. Been listening to Scott Mills so much I keep hearing English voices in my head.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My face is sore from all the smiling =D

Did you watch the EMMY?? =) I loves NeilPatrickHarris. I always try to watch award shows to see people glammed up. Ha.. How shallow. And just to see what's good to watch etc. The only thing I remember of last year's Emmy was Josh Groban singing a medley of TV tunes. That was very good. This year, every bit with NeilPatrickHarris was awesome. Hahahah..

This, especially.

And of course the opening number:

My favourite line, a reference to a pretty girl in Mad Men (even though I haven't watched the show yet), is: “She could turn a gay straight; oh wait, never mind, there’s Jon Hamm.” I wonder if it was written in because he's gay. =P I wish I can sing like that. And have enough breath for that long list of TV stations!

Of course I'm bias but a few people on the show, in their acceptance speeches commended him. =) His fan site:

Glossing over the fact that (if you haven’t heard) Neil was robbed once again and even without Jeremy Piven being nominated, he lost the Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series award to Two and a Half Men’s Jon Cryer, the show has been getting rave reviews. If you watched the ceremony you’ll have seen many of the presenters praising Neil’s handling of the show, Jon Stewart in particular.

And the compliments don’t stop there. There are reviews of the show all over this morning and they’re all incredibly positive about Neil and the way the show was put together. There’s USA Today, Los Angeles Times, the LA Times Awards Insider, Entertainment Weekly, Zap2it, StarTribune, Reuters, the Arizona Republic and The Celebrity Cafe, to name just a few.

Emmys broadcast is a hit, and it starts with Harris

By Robert Bianco, USA TODAY
Neil Patrick Harris? So. Much. Better.
If Sunday night's CBS Emmy broadcast was the best in years — and it surely was — much of the credit goes to Harris, the show's dapper, constantly congenial host. Proving his Tony Awards stint was more than a flash-in-the-reward-show-host pan, Harris rescued the show from two years of reality-host miasma with style, grace and musical flair.

The tone was set from his opening number, a hilarious song salute to the TV season that was as well-written as it was performed. It was an intentionally elaborate shift from last year's infamously deadly start — the reality quintet confessing they had nothing prepared — and it did precisely what it was meant to do. It let the crowd at home and in the theater know they were in the hands of someone who took the job seriously and knew how to do it.


You can watch some of the videos on

I was pleasantly surprised to see in the ending credits that NeilPatrickHarris is the producer of the show. Explains why the show was awesome. Ha..

I was trying to find a picture of Kristen Chenoweth accepting the first award of the night, Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy and the second most popular search on google was "Kristen Chenoweth Height". Haha.. I wanted to say that she looked so damn tiny on that stage! And she's my height. Goodness I'm puny.

I found these pictures of her and NeilPatrickHarris announcing the Emmy nominees last year. If you think she doesn't look that short, it's because she's standing on a box. And she's so skinny too.

Look how high her heels are! Without them she'll probably reach NeilPatrickHarris's shoulders. Which means I'm as tall as NeilPatrickHarris's shoulders. =)

Ok enough gushing for tonight. Here's the Emmy In Memoriam, Sarah McLachlan - I will remember you

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stephen King and Criminal Minds

Oo Lost has french people on the island! Or they're spanish. I'm not exactly sure. =P Ok after a little research on wiki, confirm french. Anyway I only watch a bit here and there because it's after Criminal Minds (Season 4). I like today's episode. =) This season isn't my favourite because it's just mostly dark and depressing. But I love the twist in this ep. =) This is the one where guys on springbreak are murdered. At the end of the episode there's a quote by Stephen King:

“...Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.”

Went to check out the quote online and found many of his quotes here which are interesting too. Ah, feel like collecting quotes again. Had a collection from secondary school but stopped in uni.

“The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out.”

“...So do we pass the ghosts that haunt us later in our lives; they sit undramatically by the roadside like poor beggars, and we see them only from the corners of our eyes, if we see them at all. The idea that they have been waiting there for us rarely if ever crosses our minds. Yet they do wait, and when we have passed, they gather up their bundles of memory and fall in behind, treading in our footsteps and catching up, little by little.”

“God is cruel. Sometimes he makes you live.”

“People think that I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a glass jar on my desk.”

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”

“I watched Titanic when I got back home from the hospital, and cried. I knew that my IQ had been damaged.”

Monday, September 14, 2009

This week's postsecret

This is the first one this week. =) Funny..

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just saw a tweet

Wow, now I'm really looking forward the next season of American Idol! Ellen Degeneres replaces Paula Abdul

The ninth season of AMERICAN IDOL premieres January 2010 on FOX. DeGeneres will join the judges’ panel after the auditions, which will feature appearances by guest judges Victoria Beckham, Mary J. Blige, Kristin Chenoweth, Joe Jonas, Neil Patrick Harris, Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry and Shania Twain.

Kristin Chenoweth from Pushing Daisies and Neil Patrick Harris from How I Met Your Mother!


Found a website Ads of the World.

The slowness, rigidness and shaking limbs often associated with Parkinson’s Disease can make simple, everyday tasks virtually impossible. For non-sufferers it’s difficult to comprehend an existence where opening a carton of milk or using a telephone is an impossible task. DDB/Rapp, Melbourne helped people experience this complete lack of physical control for themselves by filling arcade style skill-testers with everyday objects. The agency then placed them around Melbourne, collecting $1 coins to fund help Parkinson’s Victoria’s research at the same time. In the first 12 hours over $5000 was collected.

Advertising Agency: DDB/Rapp, Melbourne, Australia
Executive Creative Director: Grant Rutherford
Group Creative Directors: Ruben Cirugeda, Glen Dickson
Account Service: Tess Doughty, Melissa Fullerton
Via: ibelieveinadv

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Jason Bateman

Is funny and cute. He was in Arrested Development and JUNO. Apparently some people think his little romance in Juno is a little gross, but I love it. Ha..

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Crime TV

Just watched The Mentalist. Can't say it's my favourite crime series. Today's episode was about this rich, middle-aged widow who was knocked over by a car after she left a psychic's house who was telling her she was in danger. The main guy, The Mentalist, is really cute but the cases in the series aren't really that interesting. I only like 2 episodes' cases so far. The one where it was revealed the main guy, Patrick Jane, had a nemesis, a serial killer, "Red John", who murdered his wife and little daughter. This is probably the only crime series where I'm more interested in the police rather than the cases. The cases are usually quite obvious and not really touching stories.

I love Cold Case because the stories are usually very moving. The cases in the stories are old cases that were unsolved and they reopen the cases in present time because they have new leads. I like the flashes of past and present, what people looked like in the past and in the present, and how they unravel the stories bit by bit. I'm quite amazed that they are so patient to go to every related person, sometimes more than once, to ask them and piece pieces of the stories together bit by bit. Yup of course I know that's their job.

I like Criminal Minds too but I think the series seems to be getting darker and darker. Feels like most films nowadays inject humour even in seemingly serious ones. I like. =)

CSI: Miami is shown after The Mentalist so I've seen a few episodes. Quite like it. Not as dark and brooding as the main CSI one. The killer is usually not that obvious and most times when someone seems to be the killer, he/she has a legitimate explanation. Suspense is well held up. But I don't understand why that guy must always act cool and pose in front of the light with his sunglasses. Ha..

I'm so looking forward to Flash Forward! Read about it on and it's about these people who blacked out for a couple seconds and saw a bit of their future. Kinda reminds me of Heroes and Lost. Back to watching TV. Ciao!

Monday, September 07, 2009

Extraordinary People

Watching World's Strongest Toddler now. It's an episode of Extraordinary People ( The boy developed loads of muscles since he was born. He's adopted and I think they didn't mention his biological parents. His birthday is 1 September 2005 (Happy Belated Birthday Liam!) and he was three when they shot this documentary. They were testing his strength and put him through various exercises to test his strength and had another 3-year-old boy as..what's that term called? A constant? Erm, the normal one lah. Anyway little Liam of course did super well-he did 17 situps whereas the other kid could hardly do one. Poor other boy! He must feel so small. Ha.. But the adults were all really nice and encouraging and the atmosphere was very light-hearted so I hope he wasn't scarred by the experience. Ha..

Next week's episode is Tiniest Toddler. The little girl looks so cute!! Really really tiny. But the trailer said they don't usually live to adulthood so it's sad. Should be different from midgets then. Sorry, is that an offensive term? The series is very interesting. It's on okto, Mondays at 10pm.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Don't have a more interesting title because I'm very tired.. Been busy proofreading a history thesis, and didn't quite realise what today's date was. Did remember Ch5 was showing Michael Jackson's Munich HIStory concert today, just forgot it was for his birthday. Hope he's enjoying his birthday with many ghost children somewhere.

Oh towards the end of the concert, I think for Earth Song or Heal the World, at the end he was carrying this cute little girl, many people, young and not so young, all walking all over the stage. MJ was holding the hand of the little girl and then this man, probably crew, walked up to MJ, holding a little boy slightly older than the little girl and gave MJ to hold. Then he left. It wasn't a highlight or anything. The stage was just a mess of people walking around, singing. I thought it was really weird. Why did he specially give the boy to him? Anyway MJ held him for a little while and put him down. Oh, just before this boy's entrance, the highlight was 2 boys with hearing aids, one of them sitting in a wheelchair. So after he put the little boy down, he gave attention to the 2 boys. At the end, he still went back to the little girl and led everybody backstage with her. And the man who brought the little boy out went and carried the boy back. What?? Damn strange... I got the impression that the man wanted MJ to hold the boy instead of the little girl and was confused that he ignored the boy. Ha.. The boy just looked lost, as all little children do.

That's all, I need to sleep. Feels like I just had a mini crash course on Singapore history the past few days..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Funny stuff

This is really funny. I hope it's real. =P Got the link off Bête de Jour. I almost want to say young people these days don't use their brains but I would sound exactly like people I hate. And she might not be that young. So, some people just don't have the habit of utilising their brains.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Made in Singapore

Wah today many posts. Ha.. Just watched 18 Grams of Love, a local film, on okto. I like it. Funny. Silly funny. But really sweet at the end too. =) It's about these 2 guys who decided to write love letters to each other's wives to test if they were having affairs.

Not made in Singapore, but there's this new song that I like called The Day I Died. It's about this guy who was having a really good day before he died. In an interview on Radio 1 last friday they were talking about how people (who loves this song) now worry a little whenever they were having a really good day. Like being extra careful crossing the road because in the song he got hit by a taxi. Ha.. Somebody was saying she was on the bus and the kids on the top deck were quiet and she thought about the song. =)

Gotta go running for the bus
Coat flying and i try not to miss it this time
but the driver's waiting and that's strange
kids on the top deck quiet for a change
and there's no rain and no roadworks
in the bus lane and all my hurts run away
and i'm smiling as im punching in

the day i died was the best day of my life
the day i died was the best day of my life
tell my friends and my kids and my wife
everything will be alright
the day i died was the best day of my life

The Day I Died - Just Jack

Majulah Singapura..

Aw, I really really like this year's NDP! I think this might be the first time I did not fall asleep. Ha.. Usually I would fall asleep during the march pasts. I like the storytelling concept. I love listening to stories, even if I already know them. Oh I love Chapter 7: When I Grow Up. Ha.. The kids are so cute. Especially the "PSP helper" and the "President" one. The whole stadium went wah... XD

I'm surprised they got Gayle Something (sorry) to sing. She's not really very well-known right? I know she was in Singapore Idol but after that I've only seen her in kids central. How many adults watch kids central, right? But I thought her singing was very good.

I had a strawberry sundae (red and white) today to celebrate National Day. Ha.. I'm glad I love my country and am not resentful and wishing I was someplace else. =)

Eggs Galore

This is inspired by Runaway Bride that I just watched on TV. And I love eggs too of course.

Different Ways to Do Eggs

Hard Boiled Eggs

D.H. Banes: Perfect hard boiled eggs: Cover eggs with 1 inch of water in sauce pan

Bring to boil over medium heat (high heat will sometimes crack shells)

Once water reaches a boil, remove the sauce pan from heat, cover and let sit 12 min (exactly)

Shock eggs with cold water and place in refrigerator

If you do this all properly and don't allow the eggs to boil or sit in the water for too long, you'll have some amazing hard boiled eggs. Don't mess this up!

Everything Omelette

Container: Non-stick 9 or 10 inch sauté pan or skillet
Cook Time: 15 minutes

- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons onion, diced
- 2 tablespoons bell pepper, diced
- 2 tablespoons chopped carrot
- 2 tablespoons sliced celery
- 1/4 cup cooked ham or other breakfast meat
- 1 pinch salt

- (Cook the filling)

- While the filling cooks, break 2 eggs into a small bowl, add 1 teaspoon water, a pinch of salt and beat well with a fork.

- Empty the cooked filling into a small bowl and wipe the pan clean. Add a teaspoon of butter or oil over medium-high heat and when the pan is hot (a drop of water sizzles and evaporates almost instantly), pour in the beaten eggs. Using a spatula gently push the cooked outer edges toward the center, tipping the pan a bit so the uncooked egg runs to the outside.

- When the egg mixture is set but still moist, add the prepared filling in a strip across the center of the eggs. Fold the sides up over the filling. Put a plate face down over the folded omelette. Holding your hand under the plate to support it, turn the skillet and plate over; the omelette will then be browned side up on the plate.

Cottage Cheese Scrambled Eggs recipe - 137 calories

3 eggs
1/4 cup cottage cheese
salt and pepper, to taste

1. Place the eggs, cottage cheese, salt and pepper into a blender and blend until smooth.
2. In a small frying pan, melt a little butter (to coat the bottom of the pan).
3. Pour the eggs mixture into the frying pan.
4. Without stirring, gently push the cooked portion to the center; continue until all the eggs are fully cooked (but not dry).

Perfect Scrambled Eggs Recipe

Making the perfect scrambled eggs isn't difficult. The key is whisking the eggs thoroughly and vigorously before cooking them. Whisking incorporates air, which produces fluffier scrambled eggs. And fluffier is better!

Overcooking is a common problem with scrambled eggs. For starters, scrambled eggs should never be even the slightest bit brown -- that means they're burnt! But the perfect scrambled eggs should be soft and just a little bit moist.

One last thing: Eggs should always be cooked in a nonstick sauté pan. And for that reason, you should always use a heat-resistant rubber spatula.

Deviled Eggs

6 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and cut lengthwise
¼ cup Mayonnaise
½ teaspoon dry ground mustard (wet mustard will work in a pinch, but add less mayo)
½ teaspoon white vinegar
1/8 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
small sprigs or parsley or paprika to garnish

Once you have cut the cooled boiled eggs, gently remove the egg yolks. Place all of the yolks into a l bowl and cream/mash with a fork.

Add the remaining ingredients into the bowl and mix thoroughly.

Spoon or squeeze the eggs mixture back into the halved egg white, then sprinkle lightly with paprika or parsley to garnish.

Sunny Side Up

Crack eggs into a generously buttered pan over low-medium heat. (If you have leftover bacon grease, that's even better.) Once whites are formed, about three minutes, spoon some excess butter or fat onto the yolk to lightly cook the top for one minute. Remove once the edges of the egg begin to get crispy.

Eggs Over Easy

Follow directions for sunny side up, but then flip over and cook the other side.

Poached Eggs

Bring a pot of water to a light boil, then add one capful of white vinegar. Crack an egg into a cup. Lightly stir the water to get it moving in one direction, then carefully pour egg from cup into the center of the pot. After about two minutes, retrieve egg with a slotted spoon and drain on a paper towel.

Easy Eggs Benedict

1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup white vinegar
4 English muffins, split
4 tablespoons butter, softened, divided
8 slices Canadian bacon
8 eggs
1 can (6 ounces) hollandaise sauce
Pinch cayenne pepper
8 lemon wedges (optional)

1.Preheat oven to 170°F. Fill a 3-quart saucepan with about 2 quarts water; bring to a boil over high heat. Add salt and vinegar. Reduce heat to a simmer. While water is heating, toast English muffin halves; spread toasted muffin halves with 2 tablespoons of the butter. Place muffin halves on serving platter.

2.Place bacon on microwave-safe platter. Heat bacon in microwave oven on HIGH about 15 seconds, or just until warm. Place 1 slice on each toasted muffin half. Place on serving platter and place in oven to keep warm.

3.To poach eggs, crack 1 egg into a small bowl. Gently drop egg into simmering water. Repeat with another egg. Use a wooden spoon to budge eggs gently to keep from sticking to bottom of saucepan. Simmer 2 to 3 minutes or until white of egg is cooked through. Remove poached eggs with slotted spoon; place in shallow pie pan or other dish. Trim any ragged edges to make circular shape. Repeat, cooking 2 eggs at a time, until all eggs are poached. Remove bacon-topped muffin halves from oven. Place 2 halves on each serving plate. Place 1 egg on top of each.

4.In a small saucepan over low heat, or in a microwavable bowl in a microwave oven, heat hollandaise 1 to 2 minutes or just until warm, stirring frequently. Do not boil. Stir in 2 tablespoons butter and cayenne pepper until butter is melted and well blended. Spoon warm hollandaise over each egg, distributing evenly among 4 plates. Garnish with lemon wedges if desired.

Scotch Egg

* 1 pound bulk sausage meat
* 3 tablespoons minced fresh chives
* 3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
* 1 large egg
* 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
* 5 cups fresh breadcrumbs made from crustless French bread
* 1 cup all purpose flour
* 6 large hard-boiled eggs, peeled
* Vegetable oil (for deep-frying)


Mix sausage, chives, and parsley in medium bowl to blend. Whisk egg and mustard in bowl to blend. Place breadcrumbs in large bowl. Place flour in another bowl. Roll 1 hard-boiled egg in flour. Using wet hands, press 1/3 cup sausage mixture around egg to coat. Brush egg with mustard mixture, then roll in breadcrumbs, covering completely and pressing to adhere. Place Scotch egg on plate. Repeat with remaining eggs. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate.)

Add enough oil to heavy large saucepan to reach depth of 1 1/2 inches. Attach deep-fry thermometer and heat oil to 325°F. Add 3 prepared eggs to oil; fry until sausage is cooked through and coating is deep brown, about 6 minutes. Using slotted spoon, transfer eggs to paper towels to drain. Repeat with remaining 3 eggs. Serve warm.

Tea Eggs

6 eggs
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon black tea leaves or 1 tea bag
4 pieces star anise
1 small stick cinnamon or cassia bark
1 teaspoon cracked peppercorns (optional)
2 strips dried mandarin peel (optional)


Place unshelled eggs in saucepan of cold water – water level should be at least 4 cm (1-1/2") higher than eggs. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 2 minutes.
Remove the eggs. With a knife, tap each egg to slightly crack the shells in two or three places. Return to saucepan.
Add other ingredients and stir. Cover and simmer for 2 hours, adding water as necessary. Drain, serve hot or cold.

Materials from here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Happy 44th!

Happy Birthday Singapore.. *waves imaginary flag*

I saw somebody on msn whose message is from the lyrics of a Juno song. =)

Friday, August 07, 2009

Oh damn it

Chanced upon this blog post titled Suicide is shameless and was intrigued because I'm morbid and I, well, do not think suicide is always a bad thing. Wanted to see whick way it swung and it was on my side! Woohoo! Ok slightly inappropriate. Anyway the book mentioned in the post is something I might like to read. Argh. Another book to put on my neverending list. Sigh..

Thursday, August 06, 2009


The fact that I'm watching the "National Day drama", This Is My Home, on Ch 5 is proof of my lack of concentration.. The two boys acting the younger and older parts of the male lead are both very cute. :P I like the girl from Fighting Spiders. Although she's a brat at this point of the show. Eh, it's a little unconvincing in some parts.. Any considerate person would not just assume somebody not exactly local would not repulse fish eyeballs and chicken backside right? But I can't believe the teenage boy willingly did all those dance moves in the ktv scenes. Really funny. Haha..

I always switch on my comp to open my restaurant on fb and then I have no idea what to do while I let business run itself. I read of book recommendations in blogs that I want to read but I borrow them and not read them. Oops.

Feels like tomorrow is holiday already. Unfortunately tomorrow is a long day because I took the day off yesterday to see doctor about my stupid gastric and diarrhea. Somehow the fact that I've had this 3 times in the last one and a half months is not cause for any concern. Right. And then yesterday night in the Ch U show, Celebritea (or what it's called), Yvonne Lim was talking about how her mother died of stomach cancer. She had seen doctors several times who just told her it was just normal gastrics. She only found out it was stomach cancer after she had a full medical check up and by that time it was too late and she died in less than 2 months.

I do want to die of cancer though. Just so I know roughly how much time I have left to enjoy myself. Meanwhile, can't wait for tomorrow to be over!

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Satanically Talented

Omg I just found THIS! Was just curious and googled "yevil". A few results were mine. =)

According to Urban Dictionary (an exceedingly reliable source, haha),

Yevil 10 thumbs up

Adjective - to say someone/something is a "Yevil" is to say someone/something is satanically talented at something.
Guy 1: Wow! That guys shreds amazingly!
Guy 2: I know he's like a Yevil rocker or something!

XD I could get this definition on a mug! There's also "Yev" in this.

1. Yev 8 up, 1 down

Developed from the mind of my friend, yev is the gangsta word for love.
"I yev ya too"
" I yev ya lots"

get this def on a mug
by Natasha Mar 19, 2005 share this

2. Yev 5 up, 4 down

Short for "Yeviticus." A man of unearthly bone structure and modelesque features.
That Yev would make a beautiful homecoming queen.

get this def on a mug
by Josh Oct 21, 2003 share this

3. Yev 1 up, 1 down

NIce looking females, Hot bitches, Fine ass ho's, Spectacular Poon, Girls that make you look twice.
"Damn, Nancy turned into a real yev."

"did you hear what I just said?"
-"sorry I was distracted by that yev"

"hey I just got into the bar(on the phone)"
-"Are there any yev's?"
"Two or three"
get this def on a mug
jeva ho's females ladies poon hotties

by Lepakawn Mar 17, 2009 share this

Still prefer "Yevil". =)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yet another discovery

I was checking out my own blog and played with the hamburger phone. Either I hadn't played with it before or they've changed it! Click on the phone and then the different buttons gives you different sound clips from Juno. I have the EXACT shirt in number four! I had a very big smile playing with the hamburger phone. =) passers-by think I'm bi-polar when they read my blog?

I saw a bunch of secoundary school girls playing monopoly at the playground downstairs this afternoon. Why have I never thought of that? I want to play board games too.. I want to play that one where you have many many characters on little plastic tabs and you have to ask the other person questions to eliminate the non-murderers, like is it a man or woman? blond hair? mustache? What's that game called? Guess who?

Me loves our library!

From 1 July 2009, basic library members will be able to borrow up to 6 items, inclusive of a maximum of 2 audio visual items.

I can borrow audio books!

When it's late at night

Methinks, when I start getting paranoid and worried about stuff, I really should go to sleep..

And I should spend my time on better things like Restaurant City.... Oh been listening to bbc radio 1. Funny stuff. XD

Monday, July 13, 2009


Piece of SHIT!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

MJ Sighting

Just read an msn article about Michael Jackson's ghost appearing in a CNN segment in Neverland and went to find it on youtube.

I was trying not to freak out because of the music and I ended up laughing. Oops.

And then there were a couple attempted explanations..

Monday, July 06, 2009

Interesting readings

Reading MJ articles online. Poor man. Although I don't know what is true and what is not. This article, How Jackson's surgery was a desperate bid not to look like the father he hated, suggested that his weird behaviour started out for publicity.

As for the whole Wacko Jacko image, that was less an invention of the media than of his own - until it spiralled beyond a joke and beyond his control.
To begin with, though, it was carefully nurtured to boost his career. He understood that to sell records he needed to stay in the public eye.

For a while, this strategy of selfpromotion was brilliantly successful as Jackson convinced himself that he could manipulate his image and control how he was portrayed.

Throughout the Eighties, he dreamt up bizarre stunts and stories that were leaked to the Press.

One favourite ploy was to use outlandish disguises on conspicuously extravagant shopping trips. Once, he popped into a Los Angeles chemist's in an Afro wig and dark glasses, and asked to buy a sex toy. It was hardly a surprise when the story made all the newspapers.

He also told the world that he slept in an oxygen chamber that would enable him to live to be 150. It was a complete fiction, but word of Michael's latest wacky exploit spread round the globe, helping to sell more records on the way.

But the danger of this drive for self-promotion was that it became open season for any invented story. Reports appeared that he had seen John Lennon's ghost and was speaking chimp language to his pet ape Bubbles.

Since he refused to give any interviews in an effort to maintain his inscrutability, the stories spread without contradiction or explanation.

Jackson's carefully nurtured image spun out of his control. He became a victim of the weird mythology he had set out to create.

And then it goes on about how his sick bastard of a father traumatised him when he was younger.

To teach his sons not to leave their window open at night, he'd climb into their bedroom screaming, his face hidden by a mask, pretending to be a burglar. For years, Michael and his brother Marlon had nightmares of being kidnapped from their beds.

It's a long article. The last part was subtitled "Stripped of all dignity", which was about the investigations for the first allegations, in which they had to check if the boy's description of his body was true. It was not. Were those bastard accusers punished for putting an innocent man through that trauma? I hope that boy is hated by everybody all his life.

Other articles I read:
Lisa Marie Presley said he was a passionate lover. So what WAS the truth about Jackson's sexuality?
'Michael was obsessed with Diana Ross, but his mother feared she would corrupt him...'
Revealed: Michael Jackson's revenge from beyond the grave...

If not for his children, I would say maybe it's not that bad for him to be away from all this shit. The mother/ex-wife is claiming that he's not the biological father? Even if that's true, so what? His biological father was an asshole to him. Blood ties are over-rated. He loves his children and that makes him their father. If the mothers were not part of the children's lives at all I don't see why they should be with the mothers. But of course I don't know what really happened and people make up stories all the time so whatever. Nobody's reading this anyway right?

Why am I having trouble uploading pictures?

Michael Jackson's children were banned from looking in mirrors and had their toys thrown away each night. So what kind of father was Jacko?

The grandparents could see that all three children openly adored their father. 'If I could spend all my time with Daddy, I would do it,' Prince told Katherine. 'I think he's the best daddy in the whole world.'

Others saw the change that came over Michael Jackson. His eldest son was with him at a recording studio and spilled some popcorn on the floor. A producer - the sort who normally lived in awe of the temperamental superstar - bent over to clean it up, but Michael intervened.

'No, let me,' he said, apologetically. 'He's my kid. I'll clean up after him.'

Then, according to the producer: 'I looked down and there's Michael Jackson on his hands and knees picking up his son's popcorn. I'm not sure you would see Madonna doing that.'

Aw, so sweet.. His daughter was born in April too. =P

Might his family one day lament their childhoods, just as their father - caught up in showbusiness from the age of four - did his? He anticipated this in a speech he once gave for a children's charity.

He wondered out loud whether his children might come to resent him and the choices he made for them when they were young. 'Why weren't we given a normal childhood like other kids?' they might ask.

He had his answer. 'At that moment, I pray they will give me the benefit of the doubt. That they will say to themselves, our daddy did the best he could, given the unique circumstances he faced.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

More kaypohing

Saw some pictures on abcnews. And watched the Scream video a few more times. =P I feel like hugging my comp screen because I like the video so much. Same when watching Barney/NPH too. =P

Having some trouble uploading the pictures though..

An obsession building up

Yah..same topic. I might unconsciously be a fan of MJ. Hmm.. I remember one time in JC this classmate was saying something presumably bad about MJ, I don't remember what, and I think she saw that I wasn't amused or maybe even had a black face, and she added that "but" she likes to watch his old videos of his dances. "Mesmerising" is very apt, Moivres! High five! And then the year he had that new song in the Invincible album, a friend said that she didn't like the song because she was turned off by his pedophile image. Wtf. I think anybody who believes he's guilty is either full of shit or ignorant. I don't think it was a fantastic song but that reason is total BS. I think I did verbally show that I was pissed off. But she listens mainly to Chinese music so she probably doesn't know his music very well anyway.

I feel guilty when I catch myself feeling happy about some little things and then I think of MJ. Hmm.. Anyway, yesterday I was in gramaphone at Cathay and I went to find his albums out of curiosity. Wanted to see if they were all sold out. Surprisingly, they were not. And the place is having a clearance sale too. Has been for months though. There were about 4 copies of The Essential Michael Jackson and 3 copies of Michael Jackson Number Ones. I know I have the Essential one but I didn't remember what were in it so I looked at both of them. I wonder why the Number Ones are selling better in America. The Essential one has twice the number of songs. It's more expensive of course. It was around $28 and the other one was $16.95. I was surprised the one I have has so many songs so I started listening to it. I'm still at disc 1, and heard the songs about 4 times already. And I was out half the day today.

I wish I had heard the songs when they just came out rather than listening to them knowing they were hits. Feels like I'm cheating.. Ok I think too much. Anyway, I love the songs Ben, Blame It On The Boogie, ABC, Rockin' Robin (partly because of How I Met Your Mother), Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) and Off The Wall.

Interruption. This is quite funny. Saw it on a tweet. "Hitler finds out Michael Jackson has died."

I was watching videos of MJ on youtube ahem, at work, yesterday. Put the mouse over the tab on the toolbar and this one square inch pop up will show the window. Even from that little space I still enjoyed watching him dance. He was so sexy! He reminded me that I wanted to learn tap dance. Maybe after I have a more stable career. He's so different when he's performing. So dynamic, sexy, etc. And when he's giving interviews he's seems shy. Oh I read that he feels most comfortable onstage. He wished that he could sleep on the stage. Why would they not bury him in Neverland since he basically designed the whole place exactly how he wanted it to be? I wouldn't mind spending eternity in Neverland. All the rides!

I read that a few of his fans committed suicide after his death. Well, that's not going to reflect well on anyone.. Maybe they wanted to join him. Can't see in life then try in death. I think a better tribute would be to excel in whatever you do and attribute it to the inspiration of MJ. His and Heath Ledger's deaths do inspire me to try to be like them-be one of the best in their industries. I aim for the stars but the clouds will do just fine lah. I'm still unfortunately very nua.. I still very much want to meet all these famous people when I die! I will buy a nice notebook and pen to be burnt with me so I can collect their autographs. The two of you reading my blog must remember this! In case nobody reads this I must tell people personally..

Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)

Blame It On The Boogie

Friday, July 03, 2009

Being merely normal

I've been listening to MJ songs. Yes, just like many people around. How unoriginal.. Bleah. Watching his videos and news, reading articles about him, etc made me more sad about his departure. I saw this picture a couple days ago of him during rehearsal and it quoted the photographer saying it looked like the old Michael Jackson magic was back and he looked happy and excited. It's horrible then that all his efforts for this last tour went to waste. And are there talks that he was recording new songs? His last album didn't do very well right? That one in 2001? Invincible? Did the accusations disrupt his career? I have no idea. I wish I was in a more angmoh family..then I would have known about him sooner, I think.

I can't remember where I read that so I got this picture from msn.

Oh and he was considering going into fashion too. I was trying to recall if he had any favourite colours and it occurred to me today that most of his clothes are black, white and red, and lots of sequins and sparkles. My favourite colours too! Of course I would add green to that mix. And I'm not into so much bling. But I like his sparkly silver/white socks.

His dances are reeally entertaining.. So different from the impression I've had for the last several years, which is pale and stick-thin frail. He had so much angst and energy in his hey days! Very impressive. What happened? So wasted..

Most of the youtube videos have disabled embedding. But I remember this Black or White video. The changing faces part was very memorable. Even though I wasn't into English music at that time, I still remember seeing this video. Must have been so popular that it was shown a lot. Didn't know it had the little boy from Home Alone (don't remember how to spell his name) and Tyra Banks. The last part without the song was just a weee bit pointless for me. It's just him dancing what.. Not that it wasn't good, just wasn't really related to the song. It was cut out of the video apparently, because uh..too much touching. Ha..

Another video that I love is Scream that he did with his sister Janet. Before I swoon, can I just say that he's a very sweet brother? I remember watching this documentary or something very long time ago where he said that he and Janet had, separately, the idea of adding military factors into their own music videos at around the same time. And he was like, aw she's my little sister so you know..and he let her use that idea for her video. This Sream video is reportedly the most expensive video to date - heard it on ET just a few days ago - SEVEN MILLION dollars. I think because he's a great brother and wanted to do something nice for his little sister. sweet.

Oh yay it allows me to embed here.

I think he's soo PRETTY in this video. In my head I just keep thinking omG he's so pretty here. Ha.. A lot prettier than his sister. Sadly plastic surgery doesn't age well with the person.. I like the song when I heard it on his album and now I like it even more because of the video. It's my ringtone now. =)